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孙知寒,邱卓英,朱 平,杨平梅,王莲屏,郭 微.脊髓损伤心理压力应对量表的编制[J].中国康复医学杂志,2011,26(6):518~522
脊髓损伤心理压力应对量表的编制    点此下载全文
孙知寒  邱卓英  朱 平  杨平梅  王莲屏  郭 微
摘要点击次数: 2826
全文下载次数: 2641
      摘要 目的:编制脊髓损伤压力应对量表,并评估其心理学特性。 方法:根据压力与应对交互理论,通过个别访谈和文献回顾,初步编制了脊髓损伤压力应对量表,对261例患者进行测试,并对量表进行因素分析。 结果:经探索性因素分析,脊髓损伤压力应对量表由30条目构成,提取6个一阶因子,解释方差52.92%,分别命名为拒绝与否认、面对、幻想、依赖与妥协、寻求支持、合理化。从上述6个一阶因子进一步提取出2个二阶因子:问题指向的应对和情绪指向的应对。全量表内部一致性系数和折半系数分别为0.825和0.704。经方差分析,不同年龄的脊髓损伤患者在面对、依赖与妥协维度的得分差异有显著性意义(P<0.05),伤后时间不同的患者在幻想、依赖与妥协、寻求支持维度的得分差异有显著性意义(P<0.01),男性与女性脊髓损伤患者在寻求支持维度的得分差异有显著性意义(P<0.01)。 结论:初步编制的脊髓损伤压力应对量表基本符合心理测评的要求。
关键词:脊髓损伤  应对  量表  心理测评
Development of spinal cord injury coping scale/SUN Zhihan, QIU Zhuoying, ZHU Ping, et al.    Download Fulltext
Chinese Rehabilitation Research Center, Beijing, 100068
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To develop a scale assessing coping style in people with spinal cord injuries, and to evaluate the psychometric properties. Method: Spinal cord injury coping scale was developed from the transactional theory of stress and coping, individual interviews and literature reviews. Two hundred and sixty one in-patients with spinal cord injury were assessed with the scale. Principal components factor analysis was performed. Result: The scale included 30 items, and exploratory components factor analysis revealed 6 first-order factors explaining 53% of the total variance, labeled refusal and denial, confrontment, fantasy, reliance and compromise, seeking support, rationalization. Two second-order factors (problem focused and emotion focused coping ) were derived from the 6 first-order factors. Internal consistency was shown with a Cronbach's α coefficient of 0.825 overall, and split-half reliability coefficient was 0.704. There were significant differences in scores of confrontment and reliance and compromise among groups based on age (P<0.05), and significant differences in scores of fantasy, reliance and compromise, and seeking support among groups based on time post-injury (P<0.01), and a significant difference in scores of seeking support between groups based on gender (P<0.01). Conclusion: Reliability and validity of the spinal cord injury coping scale are both satisfactory enough to meet psychometric indexes.
Keywords:spinal cord injury  coping  scale  psychometric indexes
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