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叶超群,孙天胜,刘 智,王崇伟,张建政,樊 辰,孙 维.脊髓独立性评定量表Ⅲ中文版的适用性研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2012,27(6):529~532
脊髓独立性评定量表Ⅲ中文版的适用性研究    点此下载全文
叶超群  孙天胜  刘 智  王崇伟  张建政  樊 辰  孙 维
摘要点击次数: 2931
全文下载次数: 3963
      摘要 目的: 评价脊髓独立性评定(SCIM)量表Ⅲ中文版的适用性。 方法:利用功能独立性评定量表(FIM)和SCIMⅢ中文版对79例急性和27例慢性脊髓损伤患者的功能能力进行评定,通过内部一致信度、重测信度和评定者间信度评价SCIM Ⅲ中文版的信度,通过效标效度和结构效度评价SCIM Ⅲ中文版的效度。 结果:①中文版SCIM Ⅲ Cronbach α系数为0.816,重测相关系数为0.9,总量表评定者间相关系数为0.92;②SCIM Ⅲ中文版各维度与FIM相对应维度相关系数均在0.806—0.845;SCIM Ⅲ中文版各维度间相关系数在0.56—0.714,各维度与总量表相关系数在0.732—0.848(P<0.01)。 结论:SCIM Ⅲ中文版具有良好的信度、效度及可行性,适于中国脊髓损伤患者的功能结局评定;但是,呼吸和一些具体活动项目的记分结构或记分标准需要调整以进一步提高其信度、效度和临床应用。
关键词:脊髓独立性评定量表Ⅲ中文版  脊髓损伤  功能能力;信度;效度
The validity and reliability of Chinese version of spinal cord independence measureⅢ    Download Fulltext
PLA The Military General Hospital of Beijing,100700
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To assess the validity and reliability of Chinese version of spinal cord independence measureⅢ (C-SCIM Ⅲ) in measuring functional ability in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI). Method: Functional ability was measured with C-SCIM Ⅲ and functional independence measure (FIM) in 79 patients with acute SCI and 27 patients with chronic SCI. FIM was used as a comparison standard for C-SCIM Ⅲ. The intra-consistency reliability,intraclass reliability,inter-rater reliability, construct validity,and criterion validity were analyzed to test validity and reliability of C-SCIM Ⅲ. Result: ①The Cronbach's α coefficient of C-SCIM Ⅲ was 0.816. The intraclass correlation coefficient were above 0.92. The coefficient of Pearson correlation between the paired raters was 0.90. ②The coefficient of Pearson correlation between FIM and C-SCIM Ⅲ were 0.806—0.845 in four subgroups. The coefficient of Pearson correlation between four subgroups and the total scale of C-SCIM Ⅲ were 0.732—0.848, and between four subgroups each other were 0.56—0.714. Conclusion: C-SCIM Ⅲ is a reliable and valid measure for functional ability in SCI. However, a few modifications of scoring categories in breathe and detailed scoring instructions may further improve the validity, reliability and clinical utility of SCIM Ⅲ.
Keywords:Chinese version of spinal cord independence measure  spinal cord injury  functional ability  reliability  validity
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