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张 娜,周谋望,刘 楠,刘小燮,张元鸣飞.2016年度全国脊髓损伤康复医疗质量控制调查报告[J].中国康复医学杂志,2018,(10):1137~1141
2016年度全国脊髓损伤康复医疗质量控制调查报告    点此下载全文
张 娜  周谋望  刘 楠  刘小燮  张元鸣飞
国家康复医学医疗质量管理与控制中心 北京大学第三医院
摘要点击次数: 1402
全文下载次数: 1005
      摘要 目的:调查我国脊髓损伤康复医疗质量控制情况,了解脊髓损伤康复治疗的现状。 方法:对2016年度国家康复医学质控中心全国质控哨点医院的脊髓损伤康复治疗10项质量控制指标进行调查、统计分析。 结果:纳入全国30个省市自治区的综合医院共117家,2016年度脊髓损伤康复住院患者6831人次,男女比例为3.15∶1。脊髓损伤高发年龄为46—60岁,占34.75%。脊髓损伤常见损伤原因为跌落/跌倒和交通事故,分别占33.60%和32.85%。损伤部位:四肢瘫患者占40.33%,截瘫患者占58.44%。损伤程度:完全性脊髓损伤患者占32.97%,不完全性脊髓损伤患者占63.54%。对不同类型级别医院进行比较,委属委管医院年住院患者中位数是75人次,三级公立医院30人次,二级公立14人次,民营综合8人次;平均住院日:委属委管医院脊髓损伤康复患者23.74天,三级公立医院33.36天,二级公立医院61.21天,民营综合医院76.19天。按照不同地区比较,东部地区医院年住院患者中位数35人次,中部地区37人次,西部地区21人次;东部地区医院患者平均住院日38.42天,中部地区32.29天,西部地区44.7天。2016年脊髓损伤康复患者医嘱转院和医嘱转社区卫生服务机构比例为6.31%。 结论:各地区、各级医疗机构脊髓损伤康复医疗服务能力及资源分布不均,转诊不顺畅,应争取尽快建立康复医学专业医联体,完善三级康复医疗网络。
关键词:脊髓损伤  康复  医疗质量管理
An investigation study on quality management of spinal cord injury rehabilitation in China 2016    Download Fulltext
Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Peking University Third Hospital, 100191
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To investigate the quality management of spinal cord injury rehabilitation,and to illustrated the status of spinal cord injury rehabilitation in China. Method: Ten quality indexes of spinal cord injury rehabilitation from national quality monitoring sentinel hospitals in 2016 were statistically analyzed. Result: Data of spinal cord injury rehabilitation from 117 hospitals was included in the analysis.6831 patients were admitted to department of rehabilitation medicine in 2016, with a male to female ratio of 3.15∶1. The number of SCI patients whose age were 46—60 ranked the first, accounting for 34.75%. Fall from height/at ground level and traffic accidents were the top causes of injury, accounting for 33.60% and 32.85% respectively. The percentage of tetraplegia was 40.33%, while paraplegia was 58.44%.Complete injury accounted for 32.97%,while incomplete injury 63.54%.Among the different types and grades of the hospitals, the median number of inpatients was 75 in National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China (NHFPC) affiliated/administrated hospitals, 30 in tertiary public hospitals, 14 in secondary public hospitals and 8 in private general hospitals. The average length of stay in NHFPC affiliated/administrated hospitals was 23.74 days, 33.36 days in tertiary public hospitals, 61.21 days in secondary public hospitals and 76.19 days in private general hospitals. Among the different regions, the median number of inpatients was 35 in the eastern region, 37 in the central region and 21 in the western region. The average length of stay was 38.42 days in the eastern region, 32.29 in the central region and 44.7 in the western region. The proportion of medical orders transferred to others hospitals and community health service institutions was 6.31%. Conclusion: Rehabilitation medical service ability and resources are unevenly distributed in various regions and medical institutions at different levels, and referral pathway is limited. Rehabilitation medical health alliance should be established as soon as possible, and the three-level rehabilitation medical network should be improved.
Keywords:spinal cord injury  rehabilitation  quality management
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