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王 蔚,王 彤,沙李菊,张 蕊,刘 韵,谢 怡,祁 鸣,朱 奕,吴 婷.阿尔茨海默病患者有氧运动前后低频振幅fMRI及认知功能的改变[J].中国康复医学杂志,2019,(4):371~377
阿尔茨海默病患者有氧运动前后低频振幅fMRI及认知功能的改变    点此下载全文
王 蔚  王 彤  沙李菊  张 蕊  刘 韵  谢 怡  祁 鸣  朱 奕  吴 婷
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      摘要 目的:研究轻中度阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)患者有氧运动前后低频振幅fMRI及认知功能的变化。探讨静息态fMRI在有氧运动疗效中的应用价值。 方法:本研究为单盲随机对照试验,最终纳入有氧运动组(18例)和对照组(18例)。有氧运动组采用由本研究团队设计的有氧运动操的方式,运动强度设定为中等强度,每次有氧运动35min(包括热身5min,有氧阶段25min,整理运动5min),训练频率为3次/周,持续训练3个月;对照组仅进行日常活动及护理。在干预前及3个月时,分别对两组进行认知功能(包括MMSE、韦氏记忆测验、连线测验A-B)及精神行为量表(NPI)测定,获取静息态fMRI数据,进行低频振幅(ALFF)分析。 结果:3个月的运动干预后,与基线水平相比,有氧运动组MMSE评分较前提高,而连线测试A和连线测试B、NPI评分较基线水平均明显下降,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05),提示有氧运动可以改善AD的认知功能和精神状态;但韦氏逻辑记忆和韦氏数字广度测试与基线水平相比,无显著性差异(P>0.05)。3个月后有氧运动组较干预前出现多个脑区ALFF值明显提高,主要集中在右侧顶叶及中央前后回,左侧额叶及前扣带回(P<0.05);而对照组则出现多个脑区ALFF值下降,主要集中在左侧颞叶、右额叶及前扣带回和双侧小脑。 结论:有氧运动可有效改善AD患者的认知功能,静息态fMRI低频振幅分析可作为AD患者有氧运动有效性评估的辅助指标。
关键词:有氧运动  阿尔茨海默病  静息态功能磁共振  认知功能
The event-related potential P300 and cognition changes in patients with Alzheimer's disease before and after specially designed aerobics    Download Fulltext
Department of Neurology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing,210029
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effect of amplitude of low frequency fluctuation(ALFF) and cognitive function after aerobic exercise in patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer's disease(AD). Method: As a single-blind randomized controlled trial, a total of 36 mild AD patients in clinic were randomized into either aerobics group(n=18) or control group(n=18). The aerobics group cycled for 35 min/d, 3d/wk for 3 months. Each patient was examined with amplitude of low frequency fluctuation(ALFF) and scored with mini-mental state examination (MMSE),Wechsler memory scale(WMS) and Digital memory scale,Trail making test(TMT) and neuropsychiatric inventory(NPI) after 3 months training. Result: Thirty-six subjects completed the whole observation. After 3 months, scores of MMSE increased and WMS, TMT and NPI scores decreased significantly as compared to the baseline in AG (P<0.05), while there were no significantly difference against the baseline in CG (P>0.05). We found that the EG showed increased ALFF in bilateral frontal lobe, genu of corpus callosum and right parietal lobe after 3 months’ training (P<0.05), whereas the CG showed decreased ALFF in left cerebellum, right cerebellum posterior lobe, right frontal lobe, right caudate nucleus, right cingulate gyrus and left inferior temporal gyrus(P<0.05). Conclusion: Aerobic exercise could effectively promote cognitive function of AD patients.The data of resting-state fMRI can be used as a supplementary method to evaluate effectiveness of aerobic exercise.
Keywords:aerobic exercise  Alzheimer's disease  resting-state fMRI  cognitive function
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