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黄佳鹏,宿 建,秦 鹍,朱 毅,张志杰,唐纯志,刘春龙.肌肉硬度检测仪评估健康男性小腿三头肌肌肉硬度及其信度研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2019,(11):1310~1315
肌肉硬度检测仪评估健康男性小腿三头肌肌肉硬度及其信度研究    点此下载全文
黄佳鹏  宿 建  秦 鹍  朱 毅  张志杰  唐纯志  刘春龙
摘要点击次数: 992
全文下载次数: 690
      摘要 目的:检验肌肉硬度检测仪量化评估不同状态下(俯卧位、等长收缩、站立位)健康男性小腿三头肌肌肉硬度的信度,并分析小腿三头肌肌肉硬度的差异性、肌肉硬度与踝关节主被动力矩的相关性。 方法:健康男性受试者30例,应用肌肉硬度检测仪评估俯卧位、40%、80%最大自主等长收缩及站立位时右侧腓肠肌内侧头(medial head of the gastrocnemius, MG)、腓肠肌外侧头(lateral head of the gastrocnemius, LG)和比目鱼肌(soleus, Sol)的肌肉硬度。分别由评估者A和评估者B进行测量,其中评估者A在5天后重复测量一次。 结果:不同状态下,评估者间信度和重测信度均为良好至优秀(0.86—0.98, 0.75—0.98)。站立位时MG、LG及Sol的肌肉硬度高于其俯卧位(P<0.001),且均表现为Sol>LG>MG;肌肉硬度随着收缩强度的增长而增长(P<0.001),但两者增长比例不相对应;被动和主动肌肉硬度均与踝关节主被动力矩不相关(P>0.05)。 结论:肌肉硬度检测仪评估健康男性MG、LG及Sol肌肉硬度的信度较高,能用于小腿三头肌肌肉硬度的评估,有助于明确MG、LG及Sol在不同状态下的生理硬度特性。
关键词:肌肉硬度检测仪  小腿三头肌  肌肉硬度  信度
The reliability of the triceps surae muscle stiffness assessment by muscle stiffness measurement device in healthy males    Download Fulltext
Traditional Chinese Medicine University of Guangzhou,510006
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To investigate the reliability of muscle stiffness measurement device for the triceps surae muscle stiffness assessment in healthy males during various conditions (lying, isometric contraction and standing), to detect the correlation between muscle stiffness and passive/active ankle torque, and to compare the difference among muscles. Method: Thirty healthy male subjects were recruited to assess the muscle stiffness of the medial (MG) and lateral (LG) heads of the gastrocnemius and soleus (Sol) of the right leg during lying, 40%, 80% maximal voluntary isometric contraction and standing by two raters and re-test was performed by one of the raters 5d later. Result: During various conditions, both inter and intra-rater reliability were good to excellent (0.86—0.98, 0.75—0.98, respectively). The stiffness of MG, LG and Sol during standing was higher than that during lying (P<0.001), and the pattern of muscle stiffness was Sol>LG>Sol (P<0.05—0.001). Isometric contraction significant increased the stiffness of various muscles (P<0.001), but the increment rate differed between muscle stiffness and isometric contraction intensity. The correlation between passive/active muscle stiffness and passive/active ankle torque was not significant (P>0.05). Conclusion: The inter and intra-rater reliability of the stiffness assessment of MG, LG and Sol by muscle stiffness measurement device in healthy males were good, and muscle stiffness measurement device may be a reliable tool to assess the stiffness of the triceps surae and provide the information for the physiological property of the stiffness of MG, LG and Sol during various conditions.
Keywords:muscle stiffness measurement device  triceps surae  muscle stiffness  reliability
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