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陈娟娟,徐纯鑫,丁兰艳,沈 敏.不同感觉统合训练模式对脑性瘫痪儿童平衡功能的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2020,(5):546~550
不同感觉统合训练模式对脑性瘫痪儿童平衡功能的影响    点此下载全文
陈娟娟  徐纯鑫  丁兰艳  沈 敏
摘要点击次数: 1169
全文下载次数: 953
      摘要 目的:探讨不同感统训练模式对脑性瘫痪(脑瘫)儿童平衡功能的影响及疗效观察。 方法:选取65例合并感统失调的脑瘫患儿随机分为对照组32例和试验组33例。对照组采用一对一的感统训练模式;试验组根据患儿的感统功能障碍类别(感觉调节障碍、感觉辨别障碍、感觉性基础动作障碍)以三人为一组进行小组感统训练。治疗前及治疗3个月后分别采用Tetrax平衡仪测试体重分布系数(weight distribution index,WDI)和Berg平衡量表(Berg balance scale,BBS)进行评估,比较两组患儿平衡功能的疗效差异。 结果:①基础姿势,睁眼(basic position,eyes open, NO)、②基础姿势,闭眼(basic position,eyes closed, NC)体位下WDI差异无显著性意义(P>0.05),③闭眼,头转向左侧(eyes closed,head turned left,HL)、④闭眼,头向后仰(eyes closed,head raised backwards,HB)、⑤闭眼,低头前倾至胸部(eyes closed,head lowered forwards onto chest,HF )体位下WDI和Berg量表评分差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。 结论:小组感统训练可以明显改善年龄4—6岁、GMFCSⅠ—Ⅲ级合并有感统失调的脑瘫患儿在HL、HB、HF 3个体位下的WDI以及Berg评分,其疗效优于一对一训练,这种训练模式值得在临床推广。
关键词:脑性瘫痪  感觉统合  训练模式  平衡功能  小组训练
Effects of different patterns of sensory integration training on balance of children with cerebral palsy    Download Fulltext
Shanghai Rehabilitation & Vocational Training Center for the Disabled, Shanghai,200127
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To explore effects of different patterns of sensory integration therapy on balance of children with cerebral palsy. Method:A total of 65 sensory integration disordered children with cerebral palsy were randomly separated into control group (n=32) and experimental group (n=33). The control group received one-to-one training. The experimental group were divided into groups (3 children in a group) according to the children’s sensory integration disorder classification (sensory modulation disorder, sensory discrimination disorder and sensory-based motor disorder) and received group training. Both groups were assessed with weight distribution index (WDI) by Tetrax Balance Apparatus( from Sunlight Medical Ltd Israel) and Berg Balance Scale (BBS) before and after training. The assessment indexes, which compare the two groups in the therapeutic effects, are WDI on 5 positions as NO, NC, HL, HB, HF and the scores of BBS. Result:There was no significant difference between two groups in WDI on 2 positions, NO and NC(P>0.05). Significant differences occurred between two groups in WDI on 3 positions HL, HB, HF, and the scores of BBS(P<0.05). Conclusion:Group training improved WDI notably on 3 positions HL, HB, HF and the scores of BBS for sensory integration disordered children (aged 4—6) with CP level Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ of GMFCS. Thus group training is superior to one-to-one training and worthy of further practicing and popularizing in clinical treatment.
Keywords:cerebral palsy  sensory integration  training pattern  balance function  group training
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