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李 琨,燕铁斌,尤黎明,李 睿.脊髓损伤护理相关《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》类目的初步研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2016,(5):509~514
脊髓损伤护理相关《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》类目的初步研究    点此下载全文
李 琨  燕铁斌  尤黎明  李 睿
摘要点击次数: 1543
全文下载次数: 2015
      摘要 目的:确定与脊髓损伤患者护理相关的《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》(ICF)类目。 方法:首先在数据库中检索与脊髓损伤患者护理相关的文献,根据ICF的联系规则将文献中结局评价方法里的概念与ICF类目相联系,从而确定文献中与脊髓损伤护理相关的ICF类目。系统性回顾所得ICF类目和一个世界范围内的Delphi专家调查的结果合并,形成国内专家咨询问卷。然后在我国脊髓损伤护理专家中通过电子邮件的形式进行调查。获得80%以上专家认同的ICF类目将被纳入脊髓损伤护理相关ICF组合。 结果:系统性回顾确定了72个ICF类目,将这些ICF类目与世界范围内的Delphi专家调查结果合并,形成了包含140个ICF 类目的专家咨询表。共有29位国内脊髓损伤护理专家参与了调查,专家积极系数为96.7%,专家的权威系数范围是0.68—1(中位数0.98,四分位距0.86—0.99)。最终81个ICF类目被纳入,包括“身体功能”33个,“身体结构”8个,“活动和参与”24个,“环境因素”6个,“个人因素”10个。 结论:初步确定的81个脊髓损伤护理相关ICF类目能够反映中国脊髓损伤护理实践的主要内容,为临床护士应用ICF提供了依据和范围。
关键词:国际功能、残疾和健康分类  脊髓损伤  护理
A preliminary study on International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health categories for spinal cord injury nursing    Download Fulltext
School of Nursing, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510089
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To identify the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) categories for spinal cord injury nursing. Method: Abstracts about spinal cord injury nursing were searched from electronic databases and the concepts extracted from the outcome measures in the articles were linked to ICF categories according to the ICF linking rules. Second,the ICF categories identified from the systematic review were combined with the results of an international Delphi expert survey to form a national expert survey questionnaire. Then a national expert survey was conducted among Chinese experts on spinal cord injury nursing. The ICF categories which received more than 80% support from the experts would be reported. Result: Seventy-two ICF categories were identified through the systematic review. These categories were combined with the results of an international Delphi expert survey to form a national expert survey questionnaire including 140 ICF categories. Twenty-nine Chinese experts on SCI nursing participated in the national expert survey. The enthusiasm coefficient of experts was 96.7%. The authority coefficient ranged from 0.675 to 1 (median0.98, interquartile range 0.86—0.99). A total of 81 ICF categories were identified eventually, including 33 Body Functions, 8 Body Structures, 24 Activities and Participation, 6 Environmental Factors and 10 Personal Factors. Conclusion: The 81 ICF categories relevant to spinal cord injury nursing reflects the main issues that Chinese nurses focus on in caring SCI patients. This ICF set can serve as a roadmap for use in clinical Chinese SCI nursing.
Keywords:International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health  spinal cord injury  nursing
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