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李 惠,史 惟,孙 勇,徐少妹,尹 岚,陈 鸣.能力低下儿童评定量表功能性量表条目与儿童及青少年版国际功能、残疾和健康分类类目的关联分析[J].中国康复医学杂志,2014,29(6):521~527
能力低下儿童评定量表功能性量表条目与儿童及青少年版国际功能、残疾和健康分类类目的关联分析    点此下载全文
李 惠  史 惟  孙 勇  徐少妹  尹 岚  陈 鸣
摘要点击次数: 1857
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      摘要 目的:通过对能力低下儿童评定量表(PEDI)条目与儿童及青少年版国际功能、残疾和健康分类(ICF-CY)类目的关联分析,分析PEDI功能性量表的内容效度,明确PEDI量表在临床的使用价值。 方法:由两名从事PEDI临床评估3年以上的康复医生和治疗师独立确定PEDI每个条目所包含的概念,在完成概念提取后召开讨论会,统一概念用语,删除错误提取的概念,提取概念不一致时通过讨论决定,最终确定PEDI功能性量表197个条目包含的概念,然后由熟悉PEDI条目和ICF-CY类目的医生和治疗师各一名根据联系规则,通过讨论将PEDI条目与ICF-CY类目编码进行匹配,如果在确定类目编码意见不一致时,邀请第三方做出决定。通过分析PEDI功能性量表条目与ICF-CY类目编码关联的分布状况分析PEDI功能性量表的内容效度,同时分析PEDI功能性量表条目对ICF-CY的d3、d4和d5水平类目编码的覆盖状况。 结果:PEDI功能性量表的197个条目总计与ICF-CY编码发生了370次关联,对应到ICF-CY活动和参与(d)成分的关联有323次,占87.3%,其中与d3、d4和d5三个一级水平类目编码合计关联占总关联数的72.7%。PEDI功能性量表的自理、移动和社会功能分区条目对ICF-CY的d5、d4和d3的类目编码的覆盖率分别为88%、67%、46%。 结论:PEDI条目主要集中于与ICF-CY的d3、d4、d5下属的类目关联,也有部分项目与d6关联,表明PEDI功能性量表可以用来评价儿童的活动和参与能力,由于PEDI功能性量表仅对ICF-CY自理(d5)类目具有较好的覆盖率,提示PEDI尚不能全面地满足ICF-CY有关活动和参与的评价需求。
关键词:能力低下儿童评定量表  青少年版国际功能、残疾和健康分类  活动  参与  评价
Association analysis between items of functional skills of pediatric evaluation of disability inventory and international classification of functioning、disability and health-child and youth version category coding    Download Fulltext
Rehabilitation Center,The Children's Hospital of Fudan University,Shanghai,201102
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To determine the content validity of pediatric evaluation of disability inventory(PEDI) and its clinical value through relevance analysis of the functional skills items in PEDI and categories in international classification of functioning、disability and health-child and youth version(ICF-CY). Method: All the items in PEDI were independently determined by a rehabilitation doctor and a therapist who has over 3 years' experience in clinical evaluation of PEDI. After all the concepts were extracted, a panel meeting was held to discuss the terms for the same concept and remove the concepts wrongly extracted. When there was inconsistency on the concept extraction, a discussion would be made to make a settlement. 197 items in PEDI contain concepts. A doctor and a therapist both were familiar with PEDI and ICF-CY matched the items in PEDI and category coding in ICF-CY according to the association rules through discussion. When there was a disagreement, a third party would make an informal decision. The content validity of PEDI was determined through the analysis on the association distribution of PEDI items and ICF-CY category coding. At the same time, the coverage of PEDI items on the category coding of d3, d4 and d5 of ICY-CY was analyzed. Result: There are altogether 370 times of association between the 197 items in PEDI and ICF-CY with 323 times in activity and participation (d) accounting for 87.3%. 72.7% matched with d3, d4 and d5 which are category coding of level one. The coverage of items of self-caring, moving and social functioning on d5, d4 and d3 category coding is 88%, 67% and 46% respectively. Conclusion: Items of PEDI can mainly be matched with sub-category of d3, d4 and d5 of ICF-CY and partly with d6, which indicates PEDI can be used to evaluate children's ability of activity and participation. However, PEDI can not evaluate all the aspects of activity and participation in ICF-CY because only self-caring (d5) in ICF-CY is well covered.
Keywords:pediatric evaluation of disability inventory  international classification of functioning, disability and health-child and youth version  activity  participation  assessments
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