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中国版脑卒中简明ICF核心要素量表的信度与效度研究    点此下载全文
郭铁成  陈小红  卫小梅
摘要点击次数: 2786
全文下载次数: 2553
      目的:检验中国版脑卒中简明ICF核心要素量表的信度与效度。方法:30例连续住院的脑卒中患者,按照中国版脑卒中简明ICF核心要素量表、美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表(NIHSS)和Barthel 指数(BI)的评分规则进行评定。效度研究采用结构效度和校标效度的方法,信度研究采用重测信度、评测者间信度和内部一致性的分析方法。重测信度和评测者间的信度检验用Kappa相关;内容一致性检验用Cronbach α值分析;校标效度用Spearman相关,判断中国脑卒中简明ICF核心要素量表与美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表(NIHSS)和Barthel 指数(BI)的相关性。结果:中国版脑卒中简明ICF核心要素量表的四个成分中,身体功能、身体结构以及活动和参与成分的Kappa系数均在0.82—1.00之间,具有良好重测信度和评定者间信度。环境因素的Kappa 系数稍低,在0.614-0.984之间,具有充分重测信度和评定者间信度。身体功能、活动和参与和环境因素三个成分都有很好的内容一致性,α值在0.779—0.970之间,身体结构成分因只有一个类目,不能计算α值。身体功能和活动和参与成分与BI和NIHSS间存在共同效度(r>0.7)。结论:采用中国版脑卒中简明ICF核心要素量表评定脑卒中患者的功能是可靠的、有效的,但这一结果的普适性尚需进一步检验。
关键词:脑卒中  国际功能、残疾和健康分类  核心要素  信度  效度
Reliability and validity of the brief ICF Core Sets for Chinese stroke patients    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan,430030
Fund Project:
      Objective:To test the reliability and validity of the brief ICF Core Sets for Chinese stroke patients. Method:Thirty consecutive stroke patients were measured with brief ICF Core Sets for Chinese stroke patients,the NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and Barthel Index (BI). The test-retest reliability,interater reliability and internal consistency were analyzed using Kappa correlation and Cronbach α coefficients. The construct validity and standard validity were analyzed with Spearman rank correlation coefficients. Result:The brief ICF Core Sets for Chinese stroke patients had very good test-retest reliability and interater reliability (Kappa 0.82-1.00) with components of body function,body structure and activity and participation. The test-retest reliability and interater reliability for environment factor were also good as reflected by Kappa coefficients of from 0.614 to 0.984. The body function, activity and participation and environment factor had good internal consistency (α = 0.779-0.970). The Cronbach α coefficients for body structure could not be calculated, because there was only one item with this component. There was concurrent validity existed for the ICF components of body function and activity and participation with BI and NIHSS. Conclusion:The brief ICF Core Sets for Chinese stroke patients has good reliability and validity, but it is necessary to test the generality of this result.
Keywords:stroke  International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health  core set  reliability  validity
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