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宋 伟,魏瑞晗,赵 文,赵 璨,季 润,蒲 放.恒河猴脊髓半侧损伤模型的行为学评价方法的研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2013,28(11):985~989
恒河猴脊髓半侧损伤模型的行为学评价方法的研究    点此下载全文
宋 伟  魏瑞晗  赵 文  赵 璨  季 润  蒲 放
摘要点击次数: 1716
全文下载次数: 2672
      摘要 目的:通过观察恒河猴脊髓神经损伤前、损伤修复后的不同行为学变化,对神经损伤及修复进行宏观的评价,建立一种适用于恒河猴下肢运动行为学评价的实验方法。 方法:为了评估脊髓损伤后的非人灵长类动物的行为学,本文建立了3只恒河猴胸段(T7—T9)脊髓半侧移除模型。本研究基于VICON运动捕捉系统,对脊髓损伤前后的恒河猴设计了步态分析实验。随后,利用FootScan平衡测试分析系统测量分析脊髓损伤前后恒河猴自然站立时双侧下肢的承重情况。 结果:恒河猴脊髓损伤后6周、12周右膝、踝关节活动的角度变化范围小于左侧;脊髓损伤后12周右腿的足底压力较6周有所提高,6周、12周右腿的足底压力均值分别为7.25%、8.43%。 结论:该实验方法适用于非人灵长类动物的行为学评价,对于动物脊髓损伤后修复的研究具有重要意义。
关键词:脊髓半侧损伤  下肢  运动捕捉  行为学评价  下肢承重  恒河猴
A study on locomotor behavior of rhesus monkey after spinal cord hemisection    Download Fulltext
Capital Medical University School of Rehabilitation Medicine, China Rehabilitation Research Center, Beijing,100068
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To evaluate the repairing of spinal cord injury(SCI) and observe the behavioural changes before and after spinal cord hemisection in Rhesus monkey, and to establish an experimental method for evaluating lower limbs locomotor behavior in Rhesus monkey. Method: To evaluate the behavior of spinal cord injury nonhuman primates a segmental thoracic(T7—T9) spinal cord hemi-section was created in three rhesus monkeys. In this study, we designed an experiment of gait analysis according to the characteristics of animal model based on VICON system. Then a bearing analysis of bilateral hindlimbs of monkeys was conducted by using FootScan system. Result: At 6 weeks and 12 weeks after SCI, the right knee and ankle angle ranges of motion of Rhesus monkeys were smaller than that of left side; At 12 weeks after SCI, right planter pressure increased more than at 6 weeks. The average right planter pressure at 6 and 12 weeks after SCI were 7.25% and 8.43% respectively. Conclusion:This experimental method was suited to evaluate the bilateral lower limb's behavior of non-human primates,and it has important significance for the research of repairing in animals after SCI.
Keywords:spinal cord hemisection  lowerlimb  motion capture  behavior evaluation  body weight support  Rhesus monkey
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