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章 稳,郭 琪,沈素兴,王秀阳,李 晶,于德民,王家仲.等热卡不同强度运动处方对2型糖尿病的治疗效果[J].中国康复医学杂志,2014,29(3):228~233
等热卡不同强度运动处方对2型糖尿病的治疗效果    点此下载全文
章 稳  郭 琪  沈素兴  王秀阳  李 晶  于德民  王家仲
摘要点击次数: 1732
全文下载次数: 1906
      摘要 目的:确定在相同能量消耗下,不同运动强度的运动处方对2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者的血糖水平、胰岛素敏感性及心肺适应能力的不同影响效果。 方法:55例没有运动习惯的T2DM患者,年龄(51.2±1.3)岁,被平均分到低强度组(50%VO2peak,n=27)和高强度组(75%VO2peak,n=28),进行每周5次,每次消耗热量为240kCal,为期12周的运动训练。在训练前及最后1次训练结束后16—24h和15d分别进行口服葡萄糖耐量试验评价空腹血糖水平及胰岛素敏感性(ISI)等指标,并测定心肺适应能力。 结果:通过训练,两组在最后1次训练结束后16—24h所测得的ISI和心肺适应能力比较训练前均有明显改善,但两组的改善效果之间差异无显著性(低强度组24.3±0.9 vs.26.4±1.2;高强度组25.2±0.8 vs.27.5±1.1,P<0.05)。整体训练结束后15d较运动开始前,低强度组ISI(24.3±0.9 vs.26.2±1.1,P<0.05)和心肺适应能力(VO2peak 3.4±0.4 vs.4.8±0.5 vs.4.4±0.5,P<0.05)的改善效果比较差异有显著性,高强度组心肺适应能力的改善效果有显著性的延续(VO2peak 3.6±0.4 vs.3.5±0.4,P<0.05)。 结论:对于T2DM患者来说,在相同能量消耗下,无论是中等强度还是高强度的运动训练都起到改善胰岛素敏感性和心肺适应能力的作用,但总运动时间较长的中等强度运动训练对于改善胰岛素敏感性治疗效果的持续性要优于短时高强度的运动训练。
关键词:2型糖尿病  运动强度  运动时间  胰岛素敏感性  峰值耗氧量
Effects of various exercise intensity with the same energy expenditure on glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes mellitus    Download Fulltext
Dept. of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin,300070
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To determine whether exercise prescriptions differing in glucose level,insulin sensitivity and cardiorespiratory fitness in volume or intensity with the same energy expenditure in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Method: Sedentary T2DM patients [age (51.2±1.3) years] were assigned to either low-intensity exercise group (50% VO2peak, n=27) or high-intensity exercise group (75% VO2peak, n=28), and followed a 12-week exercise program of 5 sessions/week and 240 kCal/session. Insulin sensitivity (ISI) was measured by oral glucose tolerance test, when subjects were sedentary before training and at 16—24 h and 15 days after the final training bout. The cardiorespiratory fitness was examined. Result: ISI and cardiorespiratory fitness improved after training compared with baseline at 16—24 h with 2 exercise prescriptions(low-intensity 24.3±0.9 vs.26.4±1.2;high-intensity 25.2±0.8 vs.27.5±1.1,P<0.05). At 15 days after training cessation, ISI(24.3±0.9 vs.26.2±1.1,P<0.05) and cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2peak 3.4±0.4 vs. 4.8±0.5 vs.4.4±0.5,P<0.05)were still significantly elevated compared with baseline in low-intensity group, but the improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness(VO2peak 3.6±0.4 vs. 3.5±0.4,P<0.05) was statistical significant in high- intensity group only. Conclusion: T2DM patients may have training-induced improvement in insulin sensitivity and cardiorespiratory fitness in both moderate-intensity and high intensities of cardiorespiratory exercise with the same energy expenditure, but the persistent of improvement in insulin sensitivity may be more dependent on exercise duration than exercise intensity in regimen with the same level of energy expenditure.
Keywords:type 2 diabetes mellitus  exercise intensity  exercise duration  insulin sensitivity  peak oxygen consumption
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