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徐光青,兰 月,蔡华崧,陈正宏,裴 中,黄东锋.局灶性脑损害患者视觉注意环路的小世界网络属性分析[J].中国康复医学杂志,2014,29(4):316~319
局灶性脑损害患者视觉注意环路的小世界网络属性分析    点此下载全文
徐光青  兰 月  蔡华崧  陈正宏  裴 中  黄东锋
摘要点击次数: 1667
全文下载次数: 1871
      摘要 目的:探讨局灶性脑损害患者视觉注意网络的连通性及其小世界特征。 方法:对2例局灶性后顶叶损害、2例背外侧前额叶损害、2例颞叶损害(其中1例为手术前后)和1例锥体束损害患者进行静息态fMRI检测,然后进行功能网络建立和小世界属性分析。 结果:所有局灶性脑损害患者的脑功能网络在给定阈值范围(0.05—0.5)内都具有小世界属性。局灶性后顶叶、背外侧前额叶、颞叶和锥体束损害患者之间,Gamma系数差异(P<0.05)和Sigma系数差异(P<0.01)均具有显著性意义。 结论:小世界网络分析为视觉注意网络的连通性研究提供了一个非常有价值的方法。我们推测,小世界网络检测方法应该可以作为局灶性脑损害神经功能损害的影像学生物标记。
关键词:视觉注意  脑损害  功能性磁共振成像  小世界网络
Small-world network analysis of visual attentional connectivity in patients with local brain lesions    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou,510080
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To explore the disruption of functional organization of visual attention network in patients with local brain lesions and to analyse the characters of small world network. Method: Functional MRI (fMRI) was employed at resting state to examine the changes of functional connectivity in patients with local brain lesions, including 2 parietals, 2 frontals, 2 temporals and 1 internal capsule damager. And then, the functional network establishment and small-world network metrics (characteristic clustering coefficient and path length) were computed using graph analytical methods. Result: In the frequency interval 0.05 to 0.5 Hz, functional brain networks in all subjects showed small-world organization of brain activity. However, there were significant differences in small-world properties of clustering coefficients(Cp) among these patients (P<0.05). Clustering coefficients for the visual attention networks were significantly lower, indicating the disrupted local connectivity of patients. Conclusion: These results suggest that small-world metrics can characterize the functional organization of visual attention network in local brain lesions. Moreover, this finding further suggest that these network measures may be useful as an imaging-based biomarker for the brain damage.
Keywords:visual attention  brain lesion  functional magnetic resonance imaging  small-world network
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