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王会儒,余 波,陆颖之,靳 珊,虞定海.不同形式的太极拳训练对绝经后女性下肢选择反应时的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2015,(11):1135~1139
不同形式的太极拳训练对绝经后女性下肢选择反应时的影响    点此下载全文
王会儒  余 波  陆颖之  靳 珊  虞定海
基金项目:上海市教育委员会科研创新项目(12ZZ169); 上海交通大学科技创新专项资金(11JCY11)
摘要点击次数: 1529
全文下载次数: 1800
      摘要 目的:比较24式太极拳训练和新编太极健骨操训练对绝经期女性下肢选择反应时的干预效果,为降低绝经期女性骨质疏松性骨折风险提供参考。 方法:将95例绝经期女性随机分为3组。24式太极组训练24式太极拳套路,改良太极组训练改良的太极拳(太极健骨操),均为每周4次、每次1h、教练带领下的集体训练,对照组不做专门训练,为期6个月。分别在干预前后通过Psytech神经-肌肉反应时系统进行下肢选择反应时测试。 结果:24式太极组与对照组下肢反应时无显著差异,改良太极组反应时明显加快,干预效果明显。结果发现,左侧向前,干预主效应显著(F=12.457,P<0.001);左侧向后方向,干预主效应显著(F=13.069,P<0.001);右侧向前,干预主效应显著(F=50.893,P<0.001),组别主效应显著(F=3.656,P<0.050);右侧向后,干预主效应显著(F=44.120,P<0.001),组别主效应显著(F=3.366,P<0.050)。 结论:24式太极拳和新编太极健骨操对绝经后女性下肢选择反应时的干预效果不同,24式太极拳的作用不明显,新编太极健骨操训练可以达到显著加快下肢反应时的作用,左侧下肢的干预效果更为明显。
关键词:太极拳  绝经后女性  神经-肌肉反应时  影响
Effects of different kinds of taijiquan training on choice stepping reaction time in postmenopausal women    Download Fulltext
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200030
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To compare the effect of 24 taijiquan training and modified taijiquan training on choice stepping reaction time (CSRT) in menopausal women, aimed to reduce the risk of osteoporotic fracture. Method: Ninety-five menopausal women were randomly divided into taiji group, modified taiji group and control group. The taiji group practiced 24 form taiji, and modified taiji group practice improved taiji. Both of them practiced 1h per time, 4 times per week, with the coach leading collective practice. Meanwhile, the control group didn't do any special exercise, during the 6 months. The Psytech CSRT test was performed before and after the intervention as the evaluation. Result: There was no significant difference between the taiji group and the control group, while modified taiji group accelerated the reaction time obviously. On the left side of the forward direction, the main effect of interference was significant (F=12.457, P<0.001); On the left to the rear, the main effect of interference was significant (F=13.069, P<0.001); On the right to the front, the main effect of interference (F=50.893, P<0.001) and different group (F=3.656, P<0.050) were both significant; On the right side to the rear, the main effect of interference (F=44.120, P<0.050) and different group (F=3.366, P<0.050) were both significant. Conclusion: The intervention effect on CSRT in menopausal women with 24 form taijiquan was not obvious, but the modified taijiquan could reduce the reaction time, especially on the left side.
Keywords:Taijiquan  postmenopausal women  choice stepping reaction time  effect
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