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金 怡,张文通,孟殿怀.约束手臂摆动对健康青年人步态时空参数的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2017,(11):1227~1230
约束手臂摆动对健康青年人步态时空参数的影响    点此下载全文
金 怡  张文通  孟殿怀
摘要点击次数: 1636
全文下载次数: 1556
      摘要 目的:明确约束手臂摆动对健康青年人步态时空参数的影响,探讨手臂摆动在步行中的作用。 方法:选取健康青年人36例,其中男性18例,女性18例,平均年龄(22.72±3.54)岁,平均身高(167.35±9.15)cm,平均体重(63.62±16.29)kg。利用Gait Watch三维步态分析系统采集受试者在自然步态、双臂体侧、双臂体前、双臂体后、左臂体侧、左臂体前、左臂体后、右臂体侧、右臂体前、右臂体后共10种状态下的步态时空参数。不同约束状态均随机进行测试。分析不同约束手臂状态下步态时空参数同自然步态之间的差异。 结果:不同手臂约束摆动状态下,步态周期、步频、步幅、步速、左步长、右步长、双支撑相同自然步态相比差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。左臂体侧、左臂体前、左臂体后三种约束条件下左支撑相、左摆动相同自然步态相比差异有显著性意义(P<0.05);左臂体后、右臂体侧、右臂体前、右臂体后四种手臂约束条件下右支撑相、右摆动相与自然步态相比差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。 结论:约束左侧手臂摆动后左下肢支撑相时间缩短,摆动相时间延长;约束右侧手臂摆动后右下肢支撑相时间延长,摆动相时间缩短。
关键词:手臂摆动  青年人  步态分析  时空参数
The influence of constrained arms swing on temporal and spatial gait parameters in healthy young adults    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Jiangsu Province Official Hospital, Nanjing, 210024
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To explore the influence of constrained arms swing on temporal and spatial gait parameters in healthy young adults. Method: Thirty-six healthy young persons (18 male, 18 female; age: 22.72±3.54 years; height: 167.35±9.15 cm; weight: 63.62±16.29 kg) were recruited for this study. All subjects received gait analysis by the Gait Watch analyses system. All subjects walked combined with 10 walking conditions (the arms swinging naturally, the arms constrained in front of the abdomen, the arms constrained in back of the abdomen, the left arm constrained in body side, the left arm constrained in front of the abdomen, the left arm constrained in back of the abdomen, the right arm constrained in body side, the right arm constrained in front of the abdomen and the right arm constrained in back of the abdomen). Walking conditions were randomly set during the experiment. The differences of the temporal and spatial gait parameters were analyzed and compared. Result: There was not significant difference of the temporal and spatial gait parameters (gait cycle, stride frequency, stride length, step velocity, step length, left step, right step, double support phase) between arm constrained and the arms swinging naturally. The left support phase and left swing phase showed significantly difference with the left arm constrained in body side, the left arm constrained in front of the abdomen and the left arm constrained in back of the abdomen compared with arms swinging naturally. The right support phase and right swing phase showed significantly difference with the left arm constrained in back of the abdomen, the right arm constrained in body side, the right arm constrained in front of the abdomen and the right arm constrained in back of the abdomen compared with arms swinging naturally. Conclusion: The left support phase was shorten and left swing phase was prolonged with the left arm constrained,while the right support phase was prolonged and right swing phase was shorten with the right arm constrained.
Keywords:arm swing  young adults  gait analysis  temporal and spatial gait parameters
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