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陈 蕊,李春光,苏 敏,徐嘉诚,石国强,万丹晔,高保帅.脑卒中患者大幅度运动状态下的大脑网络拓扑属性研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2019,(1):52~58
脑卒中患者大幅度运动状态下的大脑网络拓扑属性研究    点此下载全文
陈 蕊  李春光  苏 敏  徐嘉诚  石国强  万丹晔  高保帅
摘要点击次数: 1323
全文下载次数: 1096
      摘要 目的:分析有利于表征运动功能强弱的网络参数,为客观评价脑卒中患者的运动功能恢复提供参考。 方法:应用fNIRS采集7例右脑卒中患者在指鼻运动过程中的大脑血红蛋白信息,然后进行功能网络建立,分析患者随着运动功能的恢复网络拓扑属性的变化规律。 结果:①脑功能网络的连接数在患病40天左右呈下降趋势,之后呈上升趋势;②主运动皮质(M1)的连接数在患病初期明显减少,后期相应的聚类系数变大;③前期SMA、PMC等局部区域聚类系数随患病天数逐渐增大,转折点之后又逐渐减小。 结论:①脑功能网络参数有先减小后增大的趋势,转折点一般在40天左右,很可能与介入治疗及展开康复训练的时间有关;②脑功能区域尤其是M1区域的网络参数更有利于表征运动功能的强弱;③SMA、PMC等区域在患病初期可能承担着代偿作用,后期代偿逐渐减弱。结合全局网络参数和局部参数的相对变化,有利于为客观评估运动能力提供参考依据。
关键词:脑卒中  运动功能  近红外成像技术  脑功能网络
A study on the brain network topology attributes in stroke patients under severe motion function    Download Fulltext
Suzhou University,215000
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To analyze the network parameters that characterize the strength of the motion function. Method:Use near-infrared spectroscopic topography to collect the cerebral hemoglobin information of 7 patients with right stroke during the process of finger to nose movement, then build functional network and analyze the relationship between the network parameters and the number of days after getting sick as well as the movement function strength. Result:①Data of brain function network connections in patients showed a downward trend for about 40 days after they got sick , and then showed the upward trend.②The number of connections in the primary motor cortex (M1) was significantly reduced at the beginning of the disease, and the corresponding clustering coefficient increased at the later stage of stroke.③The clustering coefficient of SMA, PMC and other local areas increased gradually with the number of sick days, and then gradually decreased after the turning point. Conclusion:①Brain function network parameters gradually decrease for about 40 days after getting sick, and then gradually increase. The turning point is likely to be related to the time of interventional therapy and rehabilitation training.②The brain function area, especially the M1 region of the network parameters is more conducive to characterize the strength of motor function.③SMA, PMC and other regions in the early stages of illness may bear the compensatory effect, later compensatory gradually weakened. It is beneficial to take the changes of global and local parameters into consideration while assessing the rehabilitation.
Keywords:stroke  motor function  functional near-infrared spectroscopy  brain function network
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