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吕娇娇,刘 宇.惯性哑铃练习对轻度认知损害老年人运动控制能力的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2019,(5):544~550
惯性哑铃练习对轻度认知损害老年人运动控制能力的影响    点此下载全文
吕娇娇  刘 宇
上海体育学院 运动健身科技省部共建教育部重点实验室,上海市,200438
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      摘要 目的:惯性哑铃练习可显著改善轻度认知损害(MCI)老年人的认知功能,但对该人群运动控制能力的影响并不清楚。本研究的主要目的是观察3个月惯性哑铃练习对MCI老年下肢运动控制能力的影响。 方法:将45例MCI老年人随机分为两组:干预组(DTG,n=22)和对照组(CG,n=23)。DTG进行12周惯性哑铃练习(每周3次,60min/次),CG不进行运动干预。干预前后测试所有受试者下肢运动控制能力,包括计时起立行走(TUG)、功能性伸展(FR)、10m走计时、本体感觉(运动觉)和静态平衡能力。 结果:12周惯性哑铃干预对DTG受试者下肢运动控制能力具有一定改善作用,表现为移动能力(TUG,t=3.38, P<0.01)、踝关节背屈/外翻(t=-2.55, P=0.02;t=-2.54, P=0.02)、膝关节屈曲方向(t=-2.39, P=0.03)运动觉和Y轴偏移距离双腿站立闭眼(t=2.34, P=0.03)显著改善。干预前后,TUG(0.81 s, F=4.34, P=0.04)、单腿睁眼站立X轴(10.56mm/s; F=5.71, P=0.02)与Y轴摇摆速度(14.96mm/s; F=4.33, P=0.04)改变量具有显著的组间差异,DTG受试者上述指标的改变优于CG。 结论:12周惯性哑铃练习对MCI老年人的下肢运动控制能力(移动能力、本体感觉)产生一定影响,但其改善程度较小。未来研究可考虑双任务测试提高指标的敏感性,并制定针对性练习方案以提高干预效果。
关键词:运动干预  惯性哑铃  运动控制  轻度认知损害
Effects of momentum-based dumbbell training on motor control in older adults with mild cognitive impairment    Download Fulltext
Key Laboratory of Exercise and Health Sciences of Ministry of Education, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai, 200438
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: Momentum-based dumbbell training has been shown to significantly improve cognitive functions in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). However, it is unclear about its benefit on motor control. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 12-week momentum-based dumbbell training on motor control of lower limb. Method: Forty-five community-dwelling older adults with MCI were randomly assigned to either dumbbell training group (DTG, n=22) or control group (CG, n=23). Participants in DTG participated in exercise sessions 3 times weekly for 12 weeks. All measures were undertaken at baseline and post-intervention, including Timed Up & Go (TUG), Functional Reach (FR), Timed 10m walking, proprioception and stabilometer test. Result: There was a significant within-group changes (improvement) in functional mobility (TUG, t=3.38, P<0.01), kinaesthesia of dorsiflexion and extroversion of ankle (t=-2.55, P=0.02;t=-2.54, P=0.02), kinaesthesia of flexion of knee (t=-2.39, P=0.03) and deviation on Y axis (standing with two-leg and eye-closed, t=2.34, P=0.03). Compared to CG, participants in the DTG improved their functional mobility (TUG=0.81s, F=4.34, P=0.043), sway speed on X and Y axis (standing with single-leg and eye-opened; 10.56mm/s; F_X=5.71, P_X=0.02; 14.96mm/s; F_Y=4.33, P_Y=0.04). Conclusion: A 12-week momentum-based dumbbell training has potential benefits for improving motor control in older adults with MCI, including mobility and proprioception. Future studies should consider more sensitive measures and develop more targeted training program to improve intervention effects.
Keywords:exercise intervention  momentum-based dumbbell training  motor control  mild cognitive impairment
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