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张珊珊,吴 文,韩秀兰,李婷婷,孙一津,王楚怀.慢性腰痛患者深层多裂肌EMG信号时频特征变化[J].中国康复医学杂志,2019,(6):642~647
慢性腰痛患者深层多裂肌EMG信号时频特征变化    点此下载全文
张珊珊  吴 文  韩秀兰  李婷婷  孙一津  王楚怀
摘要点击次数: 1428
全文下载次数: 955
      摘要 目的:采用表面肌电(sEMG)分析系统结合丝电极观察慢性腰痛(cLBP)患者与健康对照者腰部深层多裂肌的肌电活动,比较二者的EMG信号时域和频域特征,探讨腰痛深层多裂肌功能状态变化。 方法:选取22例cLBP患者(10男12女)和30例健康对照者(15男15女)采用一次性无菌针头导入不锈钢丝电极(直径0.16mm)至L4水平深层多裂肌后完成改良BST动作,采集多裂肌最大随意收缩时的EMG信号,比较两组平均肌电值(AEMG)、均方根值(RMS)、中位频率(MF)、平均功率频率(MPF)及其频率的特征差异。 结果:cLBP腰部深层多裂肌EMG信号时域指标AEMG、RMS明显低于健康对照组(P<0.001);频域指标MF、MPF明显高于对照组(P<0.05),MFs、MPFs绝对值明显低于对照组(P=0.001/0.001)。 结论:最大等长收缩运动中,cLBP患者腰部深层多裂肌电活动异常,可能是持续疼痛刺激引起多裂肌募集能力降低,耐力代偿性增加。
关键词:慢性腰痛  深层多裂肌  表面肌电  丝电极  时频特征
Time-frequency analysis of EMG signals of the deep lumbar multifidus in patients with chronic low back pain    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510080
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To explore time-frequency changes of electromyography (EMG) signals of the deep multifidus (DM) at the level of fourth lumbar vertebrae (L4) using the surface electromyography system and fine-wire electrodes in patients with chronic low back pain (cLBP). Method: Twenty-two patients with chronic low back pain (male, 10, female, 12) and thirty healthy controls (male, 15, female, 15) were recruited. To study the DM, nylon coated 12cm long and 0.16mm in diameter fine-wire electrodes with 5mm nude tip were inserted into DM via a hypodermic needle(25 gauge,60mm long). EMG signals of maximum isometric voluntary contraction of the DM were collected. The data were analyzed with independent samples t-test to compare time-frequency changes of EMG activity of the lumbar multifidus. Result: Compared with healthy controls,cLBP group showed significant decrease in AEMG and RMS(P<0.001), but increased in MF and MPF (P<0.05). Significant differences of time-domain parameters were found between bilateral DM of both groups (P<0.05). There were also statistically significant differences between the two groups in MF slope (MFs) and MPF slope (MPFs), where cLBP group demonstrated higher value than healthy control group (P=0.001/0.001). Conclusion: The findings reveal that cLBP alters the neuromuscular activation patterns of the DM, lowers its recruit ability and increases its endurance.
Keywords:chronic low back pain  deep multifidus  surface electromyography  fine-wire electrode  time-frequency feature
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