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曹龙军,李林珂,李 申,陈英武,王 磊,袁士磊,黄力平.缺血性心电异常对社区老年人体适能和生活独立能力的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2019,(12):1444~1448
缺血性心电异常对社区老年人体适能和生活独立能力的影响    点此下载全文
曹龙军  李林珂  李 申  陈英武  王 磊  袁士磊  黄力平
摘要点击次数: 831
全文下载次数: 591
      摘要 目的:对比分析缺血性心电异常与心电图正常老年人的功能性体适能水平,进行缺血性心电异常对老年人失去生活独立能力的风险评估,为预防老年人失能提供参考依据。 方法:对天津市社区1224例老年人进行心电图检测、功能性体适能测试和生活独立能力评估,利用明尼苏达编码将心电图结果分为正常组和缺血性心电异常组,采用独立样本t检验比较两组功能性体适能各项指标;采用二项分类Logistic回归分析评估缺血性心脏病对老年人失去生活独立能力的风险。 结果:缺血性心电异常老年女性患病率显著高于男性(P<0.05),缺血性心脏病老年人上肢力量、握力、下肢力量、静态平衡、动态平衡和有氧耐力水平显著低于正常老年人(P<0.05),女性BMI显著高于正常组(P<0.05),上下肢柔韧性和男性BMI与正常组相比无显著性差异(P>0.05)。缺血性心电异常是老年人失能的主要风险因素(女:OR=2.620,95%CI:1.749—3.925;男:OR=1.999,95%CI:1.519—3.450),女性失能风险高于男性。 结论:缺血性心电异常降低老年人功能性体适能水平,增加了老年人失去生活独立能力的风险,应早期预防和治疗缺血性心电异常,改善老年人的生存质量。
关键词:老年人  缺血性心电异常  功能性体适能  日常生活独立能力
The effects ischemic ECG abnormality on functional fitness and physical independence of old adults in the community    Download Fulltext
Tianjin University of Sport, 301617
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To compare and analyze the functional fitness and risk of losing physical independence in the old adults with ischemic ECG abnormality and to provide the reference for prevention of disability in the old adults. Method:We conducted a cross-sectional study of 1224 old adults in Tianjin community, and used the electrocardiograph (ECG) to diagnose ischemic. The functional fitness and physical independence were assessed. The ECG results were divided into normal and ischemic group by Minnesota coding. The independent sample T test was used to compare the functional fitness of the two groups. A binary Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the risk of losing independence induced by ischemic heart disease in old adults. Result:The prevalence of ischemic heart disease in elderly women was significantly higher than the elderly men(P<0.05). The upper limb strength, grip strength, lower limb strength, static and dynamic balance, aerobic endurance levels of old adults with ischemic heart disease were significantly lower than the normal elderly (P<0.05). The female BMI was significantly higher than the normal group (P<0.05). The upper and lower extremity flexibility of the elderly with ischemic heart disease and the male BMI were not significantly different from those of the normal group (P>0.05). Ischemic heart disease is a major risk factor for disability in the elderly (female: OR=2.620, 95%CI: 1.749—3.925; male: OR=1.999, 95%CI: 1.519—3.450), and the risk of female disability was higher than the male. Conclusion:Ischemic heart disease reduces the functional fitness level of the elderly and increases the risk of the losing their ability to live independently. Early prevention and treatment of ischemic heart disease should be taken to improve the quality of life of old adults.
Keywords:older adults  ischemic ECG abnormalities  functional fitness  physical independence
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