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杨玉慧,解海霞,吕 军,吴爱荣,沈雪韵,林佩佩,虞慧炯,沈 沉,张 佳,陈 刚,陈子琪,沈 峰,苌凤水.社区融入问卷在脊髓损伤者中的应用[J].中国康复医学杂志,2020,(2):171~177
社区融入问卷在脊髓损伤者中的应用    点此下载全文
杨玉慧  解海霞  吕 军  吴爱荣  沈雪韵  林佩佩  虞慧炯  沈 沉  张 佳  陈 刚  陈子琪  沈 峰  苌凤水
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(71673052, 71203034);上海市残联系统重点学科建设项目([2015]139号);国家留学基金委项目(201506105030);浦江学者项目(17PJC003);国家社会科学基金重大项目(17ZDA078);国家“十二五”科技支撑项目(2014BAI08B01)
摘要点击次数: 1141
全文下载次数: 682
      摘要 目的:评估社区融入问卷的信效度并分析脊髓损伤者的社区融入状况。 方法:研究对象是在上海市阳光康复中心参加康复训练的脊髓损伤者(145例)。采用社区融入问卷、领悟社会支持量表、自评抑郁及焦虑量表和自拟调查表收集数据。应用信效度分析、描述性统计和多元线性回归进行统计分析。 结果:社区融入问卷内部一致性信度良好,复测信度的相关系数在0.6以上。各条目与维度的相关系数在0.55—0.82(除了条目10和11);探索性因子分析结果总体符合预期;效标效度良好。患者各项活动均以他人做或参与做为主;排除已有工作和退休人群后,18—60岁人群中仅有30.2%表示在积极找工作。工作、学历、家庭收入、受伤年份和严重程度是社区融入的影响因素。家庭和朋友支持对社会融入状况有显著影响。 结论:社区融入问卷在脊髓损伤人群中的信效度总体良好,但仍有待完善。脊髓损伤者家庭融入水平相对最低,其次是生产力和社会融入。建议个人、家庭和社会共同努力,进一步提升脊髓损伤者的社区融入水平。
关键词:脊髓损伤  社区融入问卷  信效度分析  影响因素
An application of the community integration questionnaire among spinal cord injury individuals in Shanghai, China    Download Fulltext
Fudan University, 200032
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To evaluate the reliability and validity of the Community Integration Questionnaire (CIQ), and the community integration status of spinal cord injury (SCI) individuals. Method: The SCI participants were recruited from Shanghai Sunshine Rehabilitation Center(145 cases). The Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS), Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS), Zung Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), Self-designed questionnaire and CIQ were used. Descriptive analysis, reliability and validity analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis were performed. Result: The CIQ had good internal consistency reliability, and the correlation coefficient of retest reliability was above 0.6. The correlation coefficients between each item and its corresponding dimension were between 0.55 and 0.82 (except the items 10 and 11). The result of exploratory factor analysis was consistent with expectation, and criterion validity was also acceptable. The daily activities in communities of SCI individuals were mainly done by others or participation. Only 30.2% of 18—60 age SCI individuals (excluding those in work or retirement) claimed that they were actively looking for job. Work, education, family income, year of injury and severity were influencing factors of community integration. Supports from family and friends had a statistically significant impact on social integration. Conclusion: The CIQ had good reliability and validity, but still had some defects. The score of family integration was relatively the lowest, followed by productivity and social integration. Joint efforts of individual, family and society should be made to further the level of community integration of SCI individuals.
Keywords:spinal cord injury  community integration questionnaire  reliability and validity analysis  influencing factor
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