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太极拳右“野马分鬃”正误动作中伸、屈膝肌肌力特征的计算机仿真分析    点此下载全文
宋和胜  钱竞光
摘要点击次数: 981
全文下载次数: 661
      摘要 目的:本文通过计算机模拟计算太极拳右“野马分鬃”阶段正确与错误动作下膝关节周围各肌肉肌力的变化情况,从而探讨太极拳练习过程中膝关节疼痛的原因。 方法:本研究中选取练习太极拳在8年以上,级别在七级以上,无下肢伤病的运动员9例进行正确、错误动作各演练3次。利用Vicon红外捕捉系统和AMTI测力台记录运动过程中运动学数据和动力学数据,通过Visual3D软件把运动学和动力学数据转换成OpenSim识别的数据格式,通过OpenSim模型进行肌力计算,从而分析膝关节周围肌肉力量在动作中的变化情况。 结果:正确动作中膝关节屈曲角度大于错误动作,这与太极拳裁判员的判断相反;正确动作中踝关节外旋角度小于错误动作,这与太极拳裁判员的判断一致。错误动作中右膝关节的伸肌力量降低,特别是股外侧肌(P<0.05),而后腿即左腿膝关节的股直肌肌力增加明显(P<0.05),而其他肌肉的肌力减小明显(P<0.05);屈肌主要表现为股二头肌肌力在错误动作中增加明显。 结论:膝关节的屈曲角度的大小不能作为判断“野马分鬃”动作正确与否的标准,而踝关节的外旋角度过大可以作为判定动作错误的标准。伸肌力量减弱,膝关节在弯曲状态下不稳,同时具有外旋功能的屈肌肌力增加导致膝关节受外旋力作用,长期受到向外剪切力作用,由此可能引发膝关节慢性劳损或炎症,导致膝关节疼痛。
关键词:太极拳  计算机模拟  OpenSim  膝关节
Modeling on the extend and flexor muscle strength of knee in correct and incorrect Taichi motion    Download Fulltext
Shanghai University of Sport, 200438
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To compare the muscle strength of knee between the correct and incorrect Taichi motion,to find the possible cause the knee pain of Tai Chi, and prevent such kind of injure effectively. Method: The nine subjects who have practiced Taichi for more than eight years,and they played the correct and incorrect motion three times each. A Vicon system and three AMTI force plates were synchronously used to collect the kinematics and the ground reaction forces(GRF). And then,the Vision 3D software was used to compute the net joint torque and angle,and exported the OpenSim file. The OpenSim model was used to analysize the muscle force and clarify the reason of knee pain in the Taichi motion. Result: In incorrect motion,the right knee extensor strength was reduced,especially the vastus lateralis(P<0.05). In the left knee, the rectus femoris strength increased significantly(P<0.05),while the other muscles strength decreased significantly(P<0.05).For the flexor muscles,the biceps femoris increased significantly in the incorrect motion. Conclusion: It is the ankle excessive external rotation angle,not the knee flexion angle,which was used to judge the correct or incorrect motion of the "wild horse bristle". The weakness of extensor muscle strength,and the stronger external rotation muscle strength of the knee in the bent state may cause the knee pain when doing the Taichi motion. But the exact mechanism needs further study.
Keywords:Taichi  OpenSim  modeling  knee
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