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张 健,赵 澎.多功能斜颈矫形器配合手法矫正在小儿先天性肌性斜颈中的应用[J].中国康复医学杂志,2024,(3):355~360
多功能斜颈矫形器配合手法矫正在小儿先天性肌性斜颈中的应用    点此下载全文
张 健  赵 澎
摘要点击次数: 216
全文下载次数: 84
      摘要 目的:探讨应用多功能斜颈矫形器矫配合手法矫正在小儿先天性肌性斜颈畸形的效果。 方法:本研究将60例先天性肌性斜颈患儿随机分成试验组和对照组,试验组在传统矫正手法治疗基础上采用多功能斜颈矫形器进行治疗,对照组单用手法矫正治疗,治疗3个月后,观察颈部处于不同体位时矫形器对于患儿的矫形情况。采用表面肌电进行数据分析,对颈部侧屈及旋转两种体位下进行胸锁乳突肌表面肌电(surface electromyography, sEMG)信号采集,得到每档患儿胸锁乳突肌肌电信号特征后进行分析。然后对斜颈患儿整体治疗进行评估。 结果:在不同体位下检测患儿胸锁乳突肌时域均方根值(RMS),发现试验组患侧胸锁乳突肌表面肌电信号RMS值显著高于对照组,结果存在显著性差异(P<0.05);两组治疗前后存在显著性差异(P<0.01);从整体评估来看,试验组患儿治疗总有效率96.67%,明显高于对照组,差异具有显著性意义(P<0.01)。 结论:对于先天性肌性斜颈早期患儿,本矫形器固定确切、可靠、舒适且具有可调节性,配合手法矫正使得临床疗效显著,很大程度上改善了患儿斜颈状况。
关键词:先天性肌性斜颈  矫形器  表面肌电  矫正
Application of a multifunctional torticollis orthosis with manual correction in paediatric congenital myotonic torticollis    Download Fulltext
Tianjin Children's Hospital, Tianjin, 300134
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To investigate the effect of using multi-functional torticollis orthosis with manipulation in pediatric congenital myotonic torticollis. Method: In this study, 60 children with congenital myotonic torticollis were randomly divided into a test group and a control group. The test group was treated with a multi-torticollis orthosis on the basis of traditional corrective manual therapy, while the control group was only treated with manual correction. After three months of treatment, the corrective effect of the orthosis in different neck positions of the children was observed. Surface electromyography (sEMG) data analysis was conducted by collecting sEMG signals of the sternocleidomastoid muscle in two neck positions: lateral flexion and rotation. The sEMG signal characteristics of each child's sternocleidomastoid muscle were then analyzed. Subsequently, an overall assessment of the treatment for the children with torticollis was performed. Result: The root mean square (RMS) values of the sternocleidomastoid surface EMG signals were significantly higher in the test group than those in the control group, with a significant difference(P<0.05). There were significant differences between the two groups before and after treatment (P<0.01). Overall, the total effective treatment rate in the test group was 96.67%, which was significantly higher than that in the control group, showing a significant difference (P<0.01). Conclusion: In children with early-stage congenital muscular torticollis, the orthosis is precise, reliable, comfortable and adjustable, and the combination of manual correction makes significant clinical outcomes and improvements of torticollis in children.
Keywords:congenital muscular torticollis  orthosis  surface electromyography  correction
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