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王芝为,章 靓,周婉君,张亚文,张 静,章新琼.非小细胞肺癌患者围术期运动方案的应用效果评价[J].中国康复医学杂志,2024,(6):813~820
非小细胞肺癌患者围术期运动方案的应用效果评价    点此下载全文
王芝为  章 靓  周婉君  张亚文  张 静  章新琼
摘要点击次数: 342
全文下载次数: 264
      摘要 目的:评价非小细胞肺癌患者围术期运动方案的应用效果。 方法:通过便利抽样法,选取2022年2月至12月就诊于安徽省医科大学第一附属医院的非小细胞肺癌患者为研究对象,按照入院时间进行分组,对照组给予围术期常规护理,干预组在围术期常规护理的基础上,应用本课题组前期构建的非小细胞肺癌患者围术期运动方案,通过主要结局指标(肺功能、运动耐力、术后早期并发症)、次要结局指标(症状测评、肺癌患者运动自我效能、术后胸腔闭式引流管的留置时间、住院时间)及安全性指标(不良事件发生率)来评价非小细胞肺癌患者围术期运动干预方案的应用效果。 结果:共纳入166例非小细胞肺癌患者,对照组88例,干预组78例,出院当天干预组肺功能、6min步行距离、运动自我效能均高于对照组,症状得分低于对照组(P<0.05)。但两组术后早期并发症发生率、带管时间和住院时间差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。在整个围术期,两组均未发生与运动相关的不良事件。 结论:非小细胞肺癌患者围术期运动方案是安全有效的,有助于促进非小细胞肺癌患者术后肺功能、运动耐力的恢复,改善患者术后症状,提高患者运动自我效能。
关键词:非小细胞肺癌  围术期运动  呼吸运动  有氧运动  抗阻运动  有效性研究
Effects of perioperative exercise program in patients with non-small cell lung cancer    Download Fulltext
Anhui Medical University,School of Nursing,Hefei, Anhui,230032
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effect of the perioperative exercise program in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Method: By convenience sampling, NSCLC patients who were admitted to the hospital in Anhui province from February to December in 2022 were selected and divided into groups based on their admission time. The control group received perioperative routine care. The intervention group received perioperative exercise intervention based on the perioperative routine care. The primary outcomes included pulmonary function, exercise tolerance and early postoperative complications; the secondary outcomes included the symptom assessment, exercise self-efficacy for lung cancer patients, duration of postoperative chest drainage and hospital stay; and the safety outcomes (eg. adverse events). Result: A total of 166 NSCLC patients were included, with 88 in the control group and 78 in the intervention group. After the intervention, the intervention group had higher lung function , 6MWD and exercise self-efficacy, and lower symptom scores compared to the control group(P<0.05). However,there were no significant differences between the two groups in the incidence of early postoperative complications, duration of chest drainage, and hospital stay(P>0.05). No exercise-related adverse events occurred throughout the perioperative period. Conclusion: The perioperative exercise program for NSCLC patients is effective and safe, contributing to the recovery of postoperative pulmonary function and exercise tolerance, improving postoperative symptoms and enhancing the exercise self-efficacy.
Keywords:non-small cell lung cancer  perioperative exercise  respiratory exercises  aerobic exercise  resistance exercise  validation study
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