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李 莉,吴 光,崔松彪.运动训练对慢性酒精中毒大鼠坐骨神经功能恢复的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2008,23(1):46~48
运动训练对慢性酒精中毒大鼠坐骨神经功能恢复的影响    点此下载全文
李 莉  吴 光  崔松彪
摘要点击次数: 2255
全文下载次数: 2362
      目的:探讨长期饮酒对大鼠周围神经功能及形态的影响,并观察早期运动训练能否对其功能恢复产生促进作用,同时探讨其代偿机制。方法:将60只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为3组:A组为对照组20只,B组为酒精中毒组20只,C组为康复组20只。采用灌胃法B、C组以50%(v/v)食用酒精,按10ml/kg·d 灌胃8周,康复组于灌胃第7周开始同时予游泳训练及跑笼训练2周,对照组则用等体积的生理盐水,每只大鼠每周称重,8周后做电生理测定,并做坐骨神经检查。结果:①酒精中毒组大鼠体重、食量、毛色均较对照组差,并出现酒精中毒性精神症状;②电生理检查酒精中毒组大鼠神经肌肉收缩阈值增高,峰值降低;③酒精中毒组微观结构显示轴索变性伴继发性节段性脱髓鞘改变,而其他两组则不显著。结论:①长期大量饮用高浓度白酒对大鼠周围神经肌肉形态及功能均有影响,其改变与人类慢性酒精中毒周围神经病相似;②早期运动训练对慢性酒精中毒大鼠坐骨神经肌肉损伤有一定治疗作用。
关键词:酒精中毒  坐骨神经  运动训练  微观结构  电生理
Effects of motor functional training on microstructure of the sciatic nerve in the rats with chronic alcoholism    Download Fulltext
Department of Neurology, Affiliated Hospital of Yanbian University,Yanji 133000
Fund Project:
      Objective: To evaluate the effects on function and microstructure of sciatic nerve and muscle in rats with chronic alcoholism and to study the relevant mechanism.Method: Sixty rats were divided randomly and equally into 3 groups: group A(control group),group B(ethanol group) and group C(exercises group). The group B and group C were administered ethanol(50%,v/v)10 ml/kg·d in 8 weeks .The control group was administered isovolume normal saline.Meanwhile,at the last 2 weeks, the exercises group was administered with swimming training and running in the cage. Measurements of weight and appetite in each rat were performed every week and the electromyography and histomorphometric analysis in sciatic nerve for peripheral neuropathy were evaluated in 60 rats which were exposed to ethanol or control condition for 8 weeks. Result: ①Both weight and appetite decreased in group B and group C than group A. ②In electrophysiological studies group B showed significant low amplitude compared with group A and group C. ③In histomorphometrical studies, microstructure under light microscope showed axonal degeneration with secondary segmental demyelination in group B. Conclusion: ①Long term alcohol intake can damage the function and microstructure of peripheral nerve and muscle in rats which is similar to that in human alcoholism.②The exercises training can improve the functional recovery of extremities in rats with chronic alcoholism.
Keywords:alcoholism  sciatic nerve  exercises training  microstructure  electrophysiology
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