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体育与非体育专业大学生静态平衡定量对比分析    点此下载全文
陈佑学  尤桂杰  杨少峰
摘要点击次数: 2499
全文下载次数: 1796
      目的:在定量分析体育与非体育专业大学生静态平衡的基础上,探讨运动训练、性别对大学生静态平衡功能的影响。方法:采用意大利Postural Equa平衡分析系统,对78名体育专业与非体育专业在校大学生,分别在睁、闭眼状态下测试其静态平衡的各项指标。结果: 两专业之间的横向对比在睁、闭眼状态下,均无显著性差别。但纵向对比显示,两专业分别在X轴与Y轴、前后之间存在极显著性差异(P<0.01);同性别的静态平衡各参数之间,除男大学生在闭眼状态下, LFS和额状面存在差异(P<0.05)外,其他情况均无显著性差异。不同性别之间,除了非体育专业在闭眼状态下,无性别差异外,在其他情况的不同状态下,某些指标均存在性别差异。结论:运动训练对大学生静态平衡影响不大,但对男性大学生的某些平衡指标却有显著影响; 性别对体育与非体育专业大学生的静态平衡均产生影响,而且体育专业男、女性差别更大。
关键词:静态平衡  大学生  体育运动  性别  定量分析
Quantitative comparison study of static postural balance of college students between sports and non-sports major    Download Fulltext
Dept of Basic Theory, Capital Institute of Physical Education,Beijing,100088
Fund Project:
      Objective: To explore the effects of exercises and different sex on college students static balance at the basis of quantitative comparison study of static postural balance of college students between sports and non-sports major. Method: Seventy-eight college students from sports and non-sports major were recruited. Static postural balance test of these subjects was performed by using a system for stabilometric analysis with opening and closing eyes situations. Result: The values of parameters between sports and non-sports major with opening and closing eyes situations had no significant difference in lateral comparison, while a significant difference was shown in vertical comparison as compared with the value between X and Y(P<0.05) and between anterior and posterior(P<0.05). There was no significant difference among same gender except the values of LFS and frontal in male students with closing eyes situation. Based on different sex, the values of some parameters had significant difference in two majors with opening and closing eyes situations, however there was no significant difference for all parameters with closing eyes situation in non-sports major. Conclusion: Exercises might be of little effects on college students static balance except for the values of some parameters in male. Gender is a significantly influential factor of static balance in college students, especially for sports major students.
Keywords:static balance  college students  sport  sex  quantifying
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