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吴雏燕,江钟立,邱树卫,吴亚文,李红卫,陈 玲.一种新的稳定多囊卵巢综合征大鼠模型的建立[J].中国康复医学杂志,2008,23(4):334~338
一种新的稳定多囊卵巢综合征大鼠模型的建立    点此下载全文
吴雏燕  江钟立  邱树卫  吴亚文  李红卫  陈 玲
摘要点击次数: 2296
全文下载次数: 2003
      摘要 目的:建立适合运动疗法研究的多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)大鼠模型,观察模型建立过程中激素水平及卵巢形态的变化规律。方法:实验组(n=25)以丙酸睾酮皮下注射21日龄Wistar雌性大鼠,对照组(n=25)同期皮下注射相同容积茶油,分别在注射第7天、14天、21天、28天观察大鼠肥胖指数、卵巢器官指数、空腹血糖、空腹胰岛素、性激素水平以及卵巢的形态学变化。结果:实验组大鼠在完成28天注射后表现出肥胖、雌激素升高、孕酮下降、空腹胰岛素水平显著升高、空腹血糖/空腹胰岛素显著降低等典型PCOS的激素变化特征。卵巢形态呈现显著的颗粒层细胞减少,膜层增多,窦前卵泡大量聚集,闭锁卵泡增多等多囊卵巢特点。各时间点观察可见雌二醇水平第7天即发生显著改变,血糖水平在各时间点均未有显著改变,而胰岛素水平在各时间点没有显著变化直至第28天实验组显著升高。卵巢形态的变化早期表现膜层增厚和颗粒层减少,第21天闭锁卵泡显著增多,第28天出现窦前卵泡大量聚集。结论:连续28天丙酸睾酮注射诱导的PCOS大鼠模型具有高胰岛素血症、性激素异常的内分泌特征和卵巢多囊改变的形态学特点,并且激素和形态变化符合生理规律具有相当的稳定性,适合运动干预的研究。 关键词 运动干预;多囊卵巢综合征;大鼠 中图分类号:R493 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1242(2008)-04-0334-05
关键词:运动干预  多囊卵巢综合征  大鼠
A new stable rat model with polycystic ovary syndrome    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, 210029
Fund Project:
      Objective:To establish rat model with polycystic ovary syndrome for exercise intervention and to observe the changes of serum hormone and ovarian morphology during this processes. Method: Fifty female Wistar rats at 21 days of age were randomly divided into experimental group(n=25) and control group(n=25). The experimental rats were subcutaneously injected daily with testosterone propionate of 1mg/100g body weight dissolved in tea oil, while control rats were injected with tea oil. The body fat index, ovarian weight, fasting blood glucose and serum insulin(FINS), estrogen(E2), progesterone(P), testosterone(T) and ovarian morphology were analyzed respectively at 7, 14, 21, up to 28 days during the experiments. Result: On 28th day after injection of testosterone propionate, the levels of INS, E2 and T in serum increased significantly and ratios of FBG/FINS decreased significantly, compared with control group. The pathology of ovarian showed multiple follicular cysts in the ovary and significant increase in the ratios of follicular cysts to normal follicle after injection of testosterone propionate. The levels of serum E2 increased significantly after 7 days with injection of testosterone propionate.。There were no remarkably changes in serum insulin until 28 days after injection of testosterone propionate in experimental group. Ovarian morphology showed a relative thinned granulosa cell layer and a thickened theca cell layer at 7 and 14 days after injection of testosterone propionate. The amounts of atretic follicles and preantral follicles significantly increased respectively at 21 and 28 days after injection of testosterone propionate, compared to controls. Conclusion:The rat model with PCOS induced by injection of testosterone propionate for 28 days are characteristic of hyperinsulinemia, abnormal sex hormone level and multiple follicular cysts, which keeps stable for long time. The rat model with PCOS can be used to study exercise intervention.
Keywords:exercise  polycystic ovary syndrome  rat
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