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汪 洁,吴东宇,宋为群.汉语失语症心理语言评价与汉语标准失语症检查对命名困难定性的比较[J].中国康复医学杂志,2009,24(2):113~117
汉语失语症心理语言评价与汉语标准失语症检查对命名困难定性的比较    点此下载全文
汪 洁  吴东宇  宋为群
摘要点击次数: 3035
全文下载次数: 2472
关键词:失语症  心理语言评价  汉语标准失语症检查  命名困难  词认知加工
Identifing the nature of naming difficulty in aphasics with Psycholinguistic Assessment in Chinese Aphasia and Aphasia Battery for Chinese    Download Fulltext
Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100053
Fund Project:
      Objective:To identify which aphasia assessment tools, Psycholinguistic Assessment in Chinese Aphasia (PACA) and Aphasia Battery for Chinese(ABC), can reveal the source of naming difficulty in aphasics. Method: 2 aphasics with naming difficulty were examined respectively with both assessment tools. Result: Case 1 showed normal auditory and reading comprehension of noun and naming in ABC, but slurred speech in word repetition and picture naming. He showed nearly normal semantic system in word auditory comprehension and synonym judgment tests in PACA; character phonologic judgment, character pronunciation consistency judgment and initiation sound classification tests were normal. The impairment of language processing was identified at speech motor planning level through PACA. Case 2 showed normal auditory and reading comprehension of noun, normal word repetition and naming difficulty in ABC. She showed obvious word semantic impairment in auditory and reading word comprehension tests, and phonological output lexicon was impaired more severely than semantic system in PACA. Normal word and non-word repetition suggested normal post-lexicon processing. Conclusion: PACA could reveal the source of word naming difficulty and help us to analyze and identify the impaired level of word processing in word naming. PACA could provide more specified information for naming difficulty treatment.
Keywords:aphasia  psycholinguistic assessment  Aphasia Battery for Chinese  naming difficulty  word processing
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