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张 缨,纪树荣,彭晓霞,周红俊,桑德春,刘根林,郑 樱,郝春霞,王一吉.慢性脊髓损伤患者步行训练有效性的Meta分析[J].中国康复医学杂志,2009,24(2):153~157
慢性脊髓损伤患者步行训练有效性的Meta分析    点此下载全文
张 缨  纪树荣  彭晓霞  周红俊  桑德春  刘根林  郑 樱  郝春霞  王一吉
摘要点击次数: 2916
全文下载次数: 2444
关键词:脊髓损伤  Meta分析  步行训练  功能性电刺激  减重步行训练
Meta-analysis for efficacy of walking locomotor training on improving walking locomotion in chronic spinal cord injury    Download Fulltext
China Rehabilitation Research center, Beijing Boai Hospital, Beijing, 100077
Fund Project:
      Objective:To get a systematic overview of the efficacy of walking locomotor training on improving walking locomotion in chronic spinal cord injury(SCI) with Meta-analysis. Method:MEDLINE and China Biological Medicine Disc were searched for clinical trials about walking studies in the locomotor training after SCI. Meta-analysis were performed, calculating weighted mean difference(WMD), to examine the effectiveness of walking locomotor training on improving walk speed in chronic(>1 year after accident) SCI subjects. Result:A Meta-analysis showed that locomotor training could significantly enhance the walking speed in individuals with chronic motor-incomplete SCI. There was a greater improvement after walking locomotor training approaches of partial body weight support treadmill training(PBWSTT) combined with functional electrical stimulation(FES) and overground training with FES. Conclusion: Systematic evaluation indicated that walking locomotor training was effective on improving walking locomotor ability for individuals with SCI. However, it should be noted that the evidences were insufficient due to only obtaining a few high quality clinical studies. So, more clinical trials should attempt to use a large sample, randomized controlled design with blinding and standardized outcome measures for stronger evidences.
Keywords:spinal cord injury  Meta analysis  walking locomotor training  functional electrical stimulation  partial body weight support treadmill training
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