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朱 燕,张 宏,张国辉,张广渊.腰屈伸等速向心收缩肌力测试的效度研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2009,24(5):436~438
腰屈伸等速向心收缩肌力测试的效度研究    点此下载全文
朱 燕  张 宏  张国辉  张广渊
摘要点击次数: 2455
全文下载次数: 2095
      目的:研究腰屈伸的等速肌力测试效度,研究合适的角速度测试。方法:由同一个测试人员对30例正常无腰痛的自愿者、60例普通慢性腰痛患者及30例运动员慢性腰痛患者进行腰屈伸的等速肌力测试,并同步采用表面肌电图对相关肌群进行检测,对腰屈伸的等速肌力以三种不同角速度测试进行效度分析。结果:60°/s和90°/s的效度满意;180°/s的效度不理想[普通腰痛组中绝大多数患者腰屈曲和腰伸展时的峰力矩(PT)、总功(TW)和平均功率(AP)均为0,呈典型的“地板效应”]。结论: 对正常人进行腰屈伸的等速肌力测试时可以使用
关键词:等速测试    效度
A study on the validity of isokinetic concentric muscle strength evaluation of lumbar flexors and extensors    Download Fulltext
Rehabilitation Department of Shanghai Hospital of TCM, Shanghai, 200071
Fund Project:
      Objective: To study the validity of isokinetic concentric muscle strength evaluation of lumbar flexors and extensors, and to explore the reasonable angular velocity in isokinetic evaluation. Method: Thirty normal healthy volunteers, 60 common patients with chronic low-back pain(CLBP) and 30 athletes with CLBP were tested for isokinetic muscle strength evaluation with three angular velocities(60°/s, 90°/s and 180°/s) in lumbar concentric contraction modes by the same therapist. During the isokinetic muscle strength evaluation, integrated electromyography(IEMG) of lumbar flexors and extensors were recorded synchronously. The validities of isokinetic concentric muscle strength evaluation with different angular velocities were analyzed. Result: The validities of evaluation with 60°/s and 90°/s were satisfied. The validity of evaluation with 180°/s was unsatisfied (in most patients with CLBP both during lumbar flexion and extension, PT, TW and AP were 0, i.e.“floor-effect”). Conclusion: Both low angular velocity and high angular velocity can be used in isokinetic concentric lumbar muscle strength evaluation for normal subjects. In the evaluation for common patients with CLBP only low angular velocity can be used, and high angular velocity should be avoided. In the evaluation for athletes with CLBP low angular velocity can be used in routine procedure, but high angular velocity (180°/s) should be only used in study.
Keywords:isokinetic evaluation  lumbar  validity
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