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黄宇琦,阚和平,林智棋,周 杰,李义凯.胸锁乳突肌表面肌电图的研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2009,24(6):523~525
胸锁乳突肌表面肌电图的研究    点此下载全文
黄宇琦  阚和平  林智棋  周 杰  李义凯
摘要点击次数: 2549
全文下载次数: 2247
      目的:记录胸锁乳突肌不同体位姿势时的表面肌电图以评估其疲劳的发生及临床意义。方法:采用表面肌电图仪,用双电极引导法对8名健康受试者的胸锁乳突肌进行等长收缩和屈伸疲劳状态下的检测。观察指标为中位频率(MF)和平均功率频率(MPF)。在头平视、头前屈、头后伸、深吸气、头旋转、头强力前屈等姿势下记录右侧胸锁乳突肌的表面肌电图。结果:头平视位60s时MF为33.00±2.12,MPF为51.00±4.33; 头前屈位60s时MF为28.50±1.51,MPF为58.00±3.13;头后伸位60s时MF为23.00
关键词:胸锁乳突肌  表面肌电图  肌肉疲劳  肌筋膜
The surface ECG of sternocleidomastoid muscle    Download Fulltext
Nanfang Hospital,The Southem Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515
Fund Project:
      Objective: To record surface electromyography(EMG) of sternocleidomastoid muscle in different positions, in order to evaluate the fatigue occurrence and it′s clinical significance. Method: The Median frequency (MF) and mean power frequency (MPF) of surface ECG in conditions of isometric contraction and flexion-extension fatigue were recorded with ME6000-T8 in 8 healthy volunteers. Measured postures included the neutraliposition, flexion, extension, deep inspiration, extremely head rotation and flexion. The Surface ECG of right side was measured in all of postures. Result: MF and MPF were 33.00±2.12 and 51.00±4.33 respectively in natural posture. In flexion, kept the posture for 60s, MF and MPF were 28.50±1.51 and 58.00±3.13 respectively. The MF and MPF were 23.00±1.35 and 45.30±6.21 during the extension. Making a deep inspiration, the MF was 21.00±1.75 and MPF was 41.00±3.51. During the turning head to left side exetrmely for 60s, MF and MPF were 46.00±3.42 and 56.00±2.72, and turning head to right side exetrmely, MF and MPF were 59.00±2.53 and 71.00±4.64. Keeping the flexion extremely for 5 min, the MF and MPF in first and last one mintues were recorded and measured, they were 43.00±4.27 and 95.00±4.61, 19.00±3.73 and 48.00±4.22 respectively. Conclusion: The MF and MPF of sternocleidomastoid muscle were different at various body positions in normal people, this may be related to it′s situation in different parts, structural characteristics and functions. It suggested that some improper body positions can cause the muscle strain.
Keywords:sternocleidomastoid muscle  surface EMG  muscle fatigue  muscular fasciae
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