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刘守国,励建安,朱 杰,李 冰.神经阻滞的注射针定位中电刺激强度与针尖-神经干距离及针尖斜面方向关系的实验研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2009,24(11):981~984
神经阻滞的注射针定位中电刺激强度与针尖-神经干距离及针尖斜面方向关系的实验研究    点此下载全文
刘守国  励建安  朱 杰  李 冰
摘要点击次数: 2340
全文下载次数: 2051
      目的:探讨神经阻滞注射针定位技术的针尖-胫神经干距离与刺激电流强度关系,为神经阻滞技术的临床应用提供理论依据。方法:新西兰大白兔7只,体重2.5±0.5kg,雌雄不限。兔大腿后外侧纵向切口暴露胫神经干14条,以三维定位仪定位针尖与神经干间距离,分别于针尖-神经干距离为0mm、1mm、2mm、3mm、4mm、5mm处调节刺激器电流(直流电方波输出,波宽0.2ms,频率2Hz)强度,记录诱导靶肌肉收缩的最低刺激电流。结果:最低电流刺激强度分别为:0.28±0.07mA(0mm)、0.34±0.08mA(1mm)、0.44±0.10mA(2mm)、0.58±0.15mA(3mm)、0.74±0.17mA(4mm)、0.91±0.21mA(5mm)。以针尖-神经干距离为自变量X,最低电刺激强度均数为应变量Y,直线回归分析示两者间存在线性回归关系,方程为Y=0.13X+0.22, 决定系数r2=0.974。结论:注射针定位中针尖-神经干距离与刺激电流强度呈线性回归关系,对临床神经阻滞中的注射针定位有指导意义。
关键词:神经溶解  注射针  定位  胫神经  电刺激
The influence of nerve-needle distance and orientation of needle bevel surface on the magnitude of electrical stimulation in nerve block procedure    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, 210029
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      Objective:To explore the relationship of electrical stimulation magnitude and nerve-needle distance in nerve block procedure and provide the basis for clinical application of nerve block. Method: Seven New Zealand white rabbits were selected for experiment. Pentobarbital (30mg/kg) was employed for general anesthesia. A longitudinal incision was performed at the posterior thigh to expose the tibial nerve. Totally 14 nerves were studied. The nerve-needle distance was located by using a 3-dimensional manipulator. The nerve-needle distances of 0mm, 1mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm and 5mm were chosen for testing motor response to the electrical stimulation (pulse width: 0.2ms; pulse frequency: 2Hz) from the needle. The lowest intensities of electrical current to induce muscle contraction were recorded for all distances. Result:The lowest intensities of electrical current was 0.28±0.07mA(0mm), 0.34±0.08mA(1mm),0.44±0.10mA(2mm),0.58±0.15mA(3mm), 0.74±0.17mA(4mm) and 0.91±0.21mA(5mm) respectively. Taking nerve-needle distances as independent variables X, lowest intensities of electrical current as Y, linear regression analysis showed linear relationship between X and Y (Y=0.13X+0.22, r2=0.974). Conclusion: A positive-linear relationship of nerve-needle distance and electrical stimulation magnitude exists in nerve block procedure, which could be used as an important reference for localization of injection needle in clinical practice.
Keywords:neurolysis  needle  localization  tibial nerve  electrical stimulation
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