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徐建兰,徐晓雪,蔡 青,鲁 强,张进禄.连续多次?酌-氨基丁酸和多巴胺特征重复超低频经颅磁刺激对大鼠脑内神经递质功率的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2010,25(2):127~130
连续多次?酌-氨基丁酸和多巴胺特征重复超低频经颅磁刺激对大鼠脑内神经递质功率的影响    点此下载全文
徐建兰  徐晓雪  蔡 青  鲁 强  张进禄
摘要点击次数: 2964
全文下载次数: 2109
      摘要 目的:动态观察经颅磁刺激仪产生的?酌-氨基丁酸(GABA)和多巴胺(DA)两种特征的重复超低频磁场的连续多次经颅刺激对正常大鼠的脑内GABA、DA以及其他递质功率的影响,找出大鼠所能耐受的最长治疗时间,为此项技术应用于治疗性研究提供参考。 方法:将大鼠随机分为GABA特征磁刺激组和DA特征磁刺激组,分别给予连续6次的GABA特征磁刺激和DA特征磁刺激。各组大鼠于磁刺激前、每次刺激后进行脑涨落图(EFG)测试,分别比较两组动物磁刺激前及每次磁刺激后脑内递质功率的变化。 结果:GABA特征磁刺激组,从刺激前到第3次磁刺激,兴奋递质3、5-HT、Ach、兴奋递质6、NE、DA、抑制递质13的功率逐渐降低,GABA与Glu的功率则逐渐升高;第4次刺激以后,出现无规律的变化。DA特征磁刺激组,从刺激前到第2次磁刺激,全部9种递质的功率逐渐升高,第3次刺激以后,出现无规律的变化。 结论:清醒大鼠对50mT的 GABA特征磁场超低频经颅磁刺激耐受时长为60min,对50MT的DA特征磁场超低频经颅磁刺激耐受时长为40min。 关键词 超低频经颅磁刺激;经颅磁刺激;神经递质;功率;脑涨落图 中图分类号:R74 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1242(2010)-02-0127-04
关键词:超低频经颅磁刺激  经颅磁刺激  神经递质  功率  脑涨落图
Effects of gamma aminobutyric acid and dopamine characteristic repetitive ultra-low frequency transcranial magnetic stimulations on rats′ neurotransmitter neurotransmitter power    Download Fulltext
Beijing Institute for Neuroscience, the Capital Medical University, Beijing,100069
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To dynamically observe the changes of neurotransmitter power of gamma aminobutyric acid(GABA), dopamine(DA) and other neurotransmitter characteristic infra-slow wave spectrum induced by GABA and DA characteristic repetitive ultra-low frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation(TMSs), in order to find the longest tolerance treatment time of rats, and provide a reference for further therapeutic intervention. Method: Sprague Dawley rats were divided into GABA group and DA group according to random method and applied with GABA and DA characteristic repetitive ultra-low frequency TMSs for 6 times respectively. The neurotransmitter characteristic infra-slow wave spectrum were recorded with encephalofluctuograph(EFG) before and after each GABA and DA characteristic ultra-low frequency TMSs respectively, the changes of neurotransmitter power of neurotransmitters pre and post stimulations of neurotransmitter characteristic repetitive ultra-low frequency TMSs in each group were compared. Result: In GABA group, from before stimulation to post the third stimulation, the infra-slow wave spectrum voltage amplitude changes of excitatory transmitter-3, 5-HT, Ach, excitatory transmitter-6, NE, DA, inhibitory transmitter-13 decreased gradually; while that of GABA and Glu increased gradually. After the forth stimulation irregular changes appeared. In DA group, from before stimulation to post the second stimulation, the infra-slow wave spectrum voltage amplitude changes of all the nine kinds of neurotransmitters increased gradually. After the third stimulation irregular changes appeared. Conclusion: Conscious rats can tolerate 50mT GABA characteristic repetitive ultra-low frequency TMS for 60min at most, and can tolerate 50mT DA characteristic repetitive ultra-low frequency TMS for 40min at most.
Keywords:ultra-low frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation  transcranial magnetic stimulation  neurotransmitter  neurotransmitter power  encephalofluctuograph
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