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齐 燕,师东良,曹龙军,田 强,周 石,黄力平.腕关节等张屈伸训练的交叉迁移效果研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2010,25(5):425~429
腕关节等张屈伸训练的交叉迁移效果研究    点此下载全文
齐 燕  师东良  曹龙军  田 强  周 石  黄力平
摘要点击次数: 2474
全文下载次数: 2186
      摘要 目的:观察腕关节等张屈伸训练是否会增长肌肉力量并产生交叉迁移的效果,为进一步临床康复应用提供科学依据。 方法:22名右利手男性志愿者,随机分成两组,首先对两组受试者进行等张肌力评定, 然后训练组受试者进行右腕关节屈伸等张肌肉力量训练,对照组保持日常活动不进行训练;6周后再次评定等张肌力。 结果:训练组右侧腕屈肌肌力、左侧腕屈肌肌力、左侧腕伸肌肌力分别增加了19%、12%和41%,与对照组相比(右侧腕屈肌肌力减少0.6%,左侧腕屈、伸肌肌力增加0.6%和4%)差异有显著性意义(分别为P<0.05,P<0.05和P<0.01);而右侧腕伸肌肌力虽增加了32%,但与对照组相比(右侧腕伸肌肌力也增加了11%)差异无显著性意义(P=0.059)。 结论:本研究证实了6周单侧腕关节屈伸等张训练方案在右利手青年男性受试者交叉迁移效果良好,为临床康复实践提供了可能的新途径。
关键词:交叉迁移  等张训练      
Study on cross education of six-week unilateral isotonic resistance training for wrist flexion and extension    Download Fulltext
Department of Health & Exercise Science, Tianjin University of Sport, 51 Weijin South Rd. Hexi District Tianjin,300381
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To investigate the effects of six-week unilateral isotonic resistance training for wrist flexion and extension on the strength increment and cross-education to provide experimental evidence for clinical rehabilitation. Method: Twenty-two college students (male, mean age at 21) volunteered to take part in the research, and were randomly divided into training group and control group. Evaluations of isotonic muscle strength of both side wrist flexion and extension in all subjects were performed pre- and post-experiment. Then, six-week right wrist flexion and extension resistance training in training group was proceeded. The subjects in control group kept daily activities without training during the experiment period. Result: In training group, the muscle strength of right wrist flexion, left wrist flexion and left wrist extension increased by 19%, 12% and 41%, respectively. Significant differences were found for all of them compared with those of control group(P<0.05, P<0.05, P<0.01). Even though the strength of right wrist extension in experiment group increased by 32%, no difference was found compared with that in control group(P=0.059). Conclusion: Good cross education was proved under the condition in this research,which might offer a new way for clinical rehabilitation practice in requiring cases.
Keywords:cross education  isotonic exercise  wrist  flexion  extension
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