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唐木得,叶洪武,龚 勇,沈焕平,王小宇,孟群芳,李伟恒.学龄前脑瘫儿童医学康复并教育康复的研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2010,25(5):439~442
学龄前脑瘫儿童医学康复并教育康复的研究    点此下载全文
唐木得  叶洪武  龚 勇  沈焕平  王小宇  孟群芳  李伟恒
摘要点击次数: 2581
全文下载次数: 2245
      摘要 目的:研究学龄前脑瘫儿童医学康复并教育康复的康复效果。 方法:选取60例学龄前脑瘫儿童,随机分为对照组30例和实验组30例,对照组采用医学康复手段(包括运动治疗、作业治疗、言语治疗、感觉统合训练)进行训练,实验组在采用医学康复基础上增加学前教育、引导式教育。康复疗效评价采用88项粗大运动功能测量表(GMFM88)和儿童功能独立评定量表(WeeFIM),分别于训练前和训练6个月后对两组脑瘫儿童进行评估。统计学处理应用SPSS11.0软件包。 结果:训练6个月后,两组脑瘫儿童的GMFM功能区得分均较前显著提高,两组分别做训练前和训练6个月后比较,差异具有显著性意义(P<0.05);但实验组的得分又高于对照组,实验组与对照组训练6个月后比较,差异有显著性意义(P<0.01)。两组训练6个月后 WeeFIM评分值比较,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。 结论:医学康复并教育康复可以明显改善学龄前脑瘫儿童的粗大运动功能,改善患儿的认知、言语和社会功能。综合康复的效果优于单一的医学康复。
关键词:脑瘫  医学康复  粗大运动功能评定  儿童功能独立评定  教育康复
A study on effectiveness of medical rehabilitation and educational rehabilitation on pre-school children with cerebral palsy    Download Fulltext
Guangdong Province Center of Rehabilitation for People with Disability, Guangzhou,510055
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To study the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation and educational rehabilitation on pre-school children with cerebral palsy. Method:Sixty pre-school children with cerebral palsy were divided into control group and experimental group, with each group 30 cases. Control group received medical rehabilitation (including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, sensory integration training), Experimental group received medical rehabilitation and pre-school education and conductive education. Evaluations of rehabilitation were administered with 88 gross motor function measure(GMFM88) and functional independence measure for children(WeeFIM) before training and 6 months after training. SPSS11.0 was used in statistics. Result:After 6 months training, in two groups GMFM scores improved obviously, the difference was significant(P<0.05), but experimental group scored higher and recovered better compared with control group, the differences were significant(P<0.01). After 6 months training,in two groups the differences of WeeFIM scores were significant(P<0.05). Conclusion: Medical rehabilitation and educational rehabilitation in pre-school children with cerebral palsy can improve the gross motor function significantly and improve cognition, speech and social functions. The effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation is better than medical rehabilitation alone.
Keywords:cerebral palsy  medical rehabilitation  gross motor function measure  functional independence measure for children  educational rehabilitation
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