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李 丽,白玉龙,吴 毅,胡永善.康复干预时机对不同程度脊髓损伤患者神经功能恢复的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2010,25(7):632~635
康复干预时机对不同程度脊髓损伤患者神经功能恢复的影响    点此下载全文
李 丽  白玉龙  吴 毅  胡永善
摘要点击次数: 2440
全文下载次数: 1873
      摘要 目的:研究不同程度的脊髓损伤患者在不同时机康复介入时神经及功能恢复情况。 方法:对2004年12月—2009年6月入住康复病房的96例脊髓损伤患者进行回顾性分析,入选时收集每位患者病史,记录患者的一般情况(性别、年龄)和损伤情况(病因、损伤水平、损伤分级、受伤或发病时间、入院时间、出院时间等),并记录出入院MBI评分、ASIA评分。 结果:完全性SCI患者康复介入时机≤90d和>90d间比较时,MBI评分增加值、ASIA针刺觉评分增加值、ASIA轻触觉评分增加值无明显差异,ASIA运动评分增加值、康复治疗时间有差异;不完全性SCI患者康复介入时机≤90d和>90d间比较时,康复治疗时间无明显差异,MBI评分增加值、ASIA轻触觉评分增加值、ASIA运动评分增加值、ASIA针刺觉评分增加值有差异;康复介入时机≤90d时,完全性与不完全性SCI患者间比较,ASIA针刺觉评分增加值、康复治疗时间无明显差异,MBI评分增加值、ASIA轻触觉评分增加值、ASIA运动评分增加值有差异;康复介入时机>90d时,完全性与不完全性SCI患者间比较,MBI评分增加值、ASIA轻触觉评分增加值、ASIA针刺觉评分增加值无明显差异,ASIA运动评分增加值、康复治疗时间有差异。 结论:早期介入康复治疗可促进不同程度SCI患者神经功能的恢复,尤其是对不完全性SCI患者。
关键词:脊髓损伤  康复介入时机  神经功能恢复
Effects of early or late rehabilitation intervention on neurological and functional recovery of patients with spinal cord injury    Download Fulltext
Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Huashan Hospital, Shanghai, 200040
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To investigate the effects of early or late rehabilitation therapy on neurological and functional recovery of patients with spinal cord injury. Method:A retrospective study was conducted. Ninety-six patients with SCI admitted to rehabilitation ward between December 2004 and June 2009 were included. Demographic and clinical data were collected and the patients were evaluated by ASIA assessment and Modified Barthel Index(MBI) assessment at admission and before discharging. Result:For complete SCI patients, there was no significant difference for MBI scores increase, ASIA pinprick sensation scores increase and ASIA light touch sensation scores increase between the rehabilitation intervention in ≤90d and >90d, but ASIA motor scores increase and rehabilitation therapy course were different significantly for the rehabilitation intervention in ≤90d; while for incomplete SCI, the effect of rehabilitation intervention in ≤90d was better in increase of MBI scores, light touch sensation scores, motor scores and pinprick sensation scores during a similar treatment course. When rehabilitation intervention were applied in ≤90d the increase of MBI scores, light touch sensation scores and motor scores were higher in patients with incomplete SCI than those with complete ones′ while there was no significant difference for pinprick sensation scores increase and rehabilitation therapy course. However, when rehabilitation intervention were applied in >90d, motor scores increase and rehabilitative treatment course were different between the patients with incomplete and complete SCI while other parameters were not. Conclusion:Early rehabilitation leads to larger extent neurological and functional recovery, especially for the patients with incomplete SCI.
Keywords:spinal cord injury  timing of rehabilitation  neurological function recovery
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