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姜迎萍,刘 浩,徐 平,刘树永,耿道颖,王 岩,陆光华.基于dot-probe的电针干预海洛因戒断者 注意偏向的 fMRI研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2010,25(9):864~869
基于dot-probe的电针干预海洛因戒断者 注意偏向的 fMRI研究    点此下载全文
姜迎萍  刘 浩  徐 平  刘树永  耿道颖  王 岩  陆光华
摘要点击次数: 2122
全文下载次数: 2052
      摘要 目的:研究脱毒后海洛因依赖者的注意偏向、情绪及针刺对这种注意偏向、情绪的影响。 方法:利用3.0T磁共振成像技术,采用基于“注意偏向”的dot-probe刺激模式,选取海洛因依赖者与正常对照,在电针干预前后对正性情绪、负性情绪、海洛因相关三类注意线索执行认知任务时进行血氧水平依赖性-功能性磁共振成像(BOLD-fMRI)技术扫描成像比较,选取相关脑部激活区研究激活体积与激活强度的变化。 结果:实验组对吸毒线索激活额叶背外侧区、前扣带回、顶上/顶下小叶、梭状回、右侧颞叶,电针后,左侧额叶背外侧区、左侧顶上小叶的激活体积明显减小,右侧颞叶的激活强度减弱;对正性线索电针后,背侧丘脑、左侧颞叶、额下回的激活体积明显减小;对负性线索电针后,左侧额叶背外侧区背激活体积明显减小,右侧顶下小叶激活强度增强;对照组对吸毒线索主要激活额叶背外侧区、左侧额叶腹内侧区、前扣带回、顶上/顶下小叶、梭状回、右侧纹状体、左侧背侧丘脑、颞叶,电针后,额叶背外侧区激活强度减弱;对正性线索电针后,背侧丘脑、右侧额叶背外侧区的激活强度明显减弱;对负性线索电针后,右侧额下回、右侧顶下小叶激活体积减小,额叶背外侧区、额下回激活强度明显减弱。 结论:电针干预能明显降低海洛因戒断者对吸毒线索的注意水平,明显抑制海洛因戒断者对负性情绪的感受度,提高对正性情绪的感受度,表明电针能够有效抑制戒断者对毒品线索的注意偏向,同时具有改善海洛因患者戒断后情绪状态持续低迷的作用,具有降低复吸率的潜力。
关键词:海洛因戒断  电针  功能性磁共振成像  注意偏向  情绪
Study of functional magnetic resonance imaging in electroacupuncture intervening heroin abstinents' cognition attention bias    Download Fulltext
Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Xinjiang Medical University, 830000
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To study heroin addicts′ attentional bias which induced to refrain from heroin by heroin-related clue and emotion clue, and observe the improving effect of electroacupuncture on it. Method: Program of positive, negative and heroin-related pictures were designed by using blood oxygen level dependent-based functional magnetic resonance imaging(BOLD-based fMRI), to detect the differential brain activity when male-heroin addicts who had finished detoxification and healthy male-controls watching these pictures before and after electroacupuncture. The volume and intensity of brain activation were compared and analyzed. Result: Abstinent heroin group: To drug-related clue: The activation volume reduced in both left dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex and left parietal lobe comparing with that before electroacupuncture, and the activation intensity lowered in right temporal lobe than that before electroacupuncture. To positive clue: The activation volume reduced in dorsal lateral thalamus, left temporal lobe and inferior frontal gyri comparing with that before electroacupuncture. To negitive clue: The activation volume reduced in left dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex comparing with that before electroacupuncture, and the activation intensity enhanced in right parietal gyri than that before electroacupuncture. Control group: To drug-related clue: The activation intensity lowered in dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex than that before electroacupuncture. To positive clue: The activation intensity lowered in right dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex and dorsal lateral thalamus than that before electroacupuncture. To negitive clue: The activation volume reduced in both right inferior frontal gyri and right inferior parietal lobe comparing with that before electroacupuncture, and the activation intensity lowered in right dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex and inferior frontal gyri than before electroacupuncture. Conclusion: Actions of electroacupuncture can effectively intervening the heroin addicts and healthy controls′ abnormal cognitive attentional bias. It suggests acupuncture can be a therapeutic method to improve heroin addicts′ cognitive function; decrease heroin craving induced by drug-related clue and has potentiality to prevent from relapse.
Keywords:heroin abstinent  electroacupuncture  functional magnetic resonance imaging  attentional bias  emotion
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