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侯 红,王 彤,李 奇,蔡可书.运动反馈训练对脑卒中偏瘫患者上肢功能的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2010,25(12):1140~1143
运动反馈训练对脑卒中偏瘫患者上肢功能的影响    点此下载全文
侯 红  王 彤  李 奇  蔡可书
摘要点击次数: 2455
全文下载次数: 2066
      摘要 目的:探讨综合功能康复评估及运动反馈训练系统对于脑卒中偏瘫患者上肢功能的影响。 方法:偏瘫患者58例,随机分为2组,其中常规训练组20例,运动反馈训练组38例。2组患者分别于训练前、训练后即刻和训练6周后进行对比。观察评定指标:①前臂旋转活动度;②腕背伸活动度等。 结果:①前臂旋转活动度:患者的平均前臂活动度由治疗前的141.33°±19.31°(旋前+旋后),训练后即刻提高到161.00°±17.09°,训练6周后增加到175.83°±12.83°,差异具有显著性意义P<0.05;②腕背伸活动度:训练前患者的平均活动度0.71°±20.36°,训练后即刻增加到27.43°±25.07°,训练6周后增加到43.29°±19.21°,差异具有显著性意义(P<0.05)。③运动反馈训练组和常规训练组在训练前差异无显著性意义,训练6周后差异具有显著性意义。 结论:集康复训练与娱乐为一体的综合功能康复评估及运动反馈训练系统,让患者在不同类型的游戏作业中接受功能训练,吸引患者的主动参与,提高患者的注意力,疗效显著。
关键词:脑卒中  上肢  运动反馈训练  游戏  康复
Effect of motional feedback training on upper limb function of stroke patients with hemiplegia    Download Fulltext
Clinical Rehabilitation Department of The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, 210024
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To explore the effect of comprehensive functional rehabilitation evaluation and motional feedback training system on the upper limb function of stroke patients with hemiplegia. Method: Fifty-eight patients with hemiplegia were divided into two groups: twenty cases in the general exercise group and thirty-eight cases in the motional feedback group. Two groups were compared 3 times: before the exercise; instantly after the exercise and six weeks after the training. Assessment indexes were the rotation activity of forearm and the movement range of extension of wrist. Result: ① The rotation activity of forearm improved significantly(141.33°±19.31°; 161.00°±17.09° and 75.83°±12.83°, respectively, P<0.05); ②The range of extension of wrist got much improvement (0.71°±20.36°; 27.43°±25.07° and 43.29°±19.21°, respectively, P<0.05); ③The two groups showed no distinctive difference before training, and there was highly significance after six weeks of training (P<0.05). Conclusion: The integrated evaluation and exercise training system combines rehabilitation and entertainment for patients, can induce patients to do active movements by different kinds of games. It makes more effectiveness and attracts patients′ attentions. Patients can receive interesting training and learn from lively activities with satisfactory rehabilitation.
Keywords:stroke  upper limb  exercise of motional feedback  game  rehabilitation
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