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蔡飞鸣,邱卓英,张爱民,荀 芳,李沁燚,张 静,陈 迪.我国心理康复的发展(1986—2009):基于关键词词频分析[J].中国康复医学杂志,2011,26(7):649~654
我国心理康复的发展(1986—2009):基于关键词词频分析    点此下载全文
蔡飞鸣  邱卓英  张爱民  荀 芳  李沁燚  张 静  陈 迪
摘要点击次数: 2924
全文下载次数: 2492
      摘要 目的:研究心理康复在我国的发展历程。 方法:对“中国知网”收录的与心理康复有关的期刊论文进行文献计量分析和基于关键词的词频分析。 结果:共纳入1426篇文献、3649个关键词。文献增长大致符合文献增长的逻辑曲线,可分为奠基期(1986—1994)、增长期(1995—2002)、稳定期(2003—2009)。关键词词频分布大致符合齐普夫分布。基于各年度累积词频,采用SPSS软件方差最大正交旋转主成分提取法提取到7个因子,其中3个主要因子(累积方差载荷95.214%)分别为21世纪前(因子1)、21世纪前5年(因子3)、2005年以后(因子2)的研究热点;分层聚类分析显示,我国心理康复发展可分为2期、4个阶段:1986—1995、1996—1999(第1期),2000—2003、2004—2009(第2期),最后阶段中,2008—2009被区分出来。 结论:我国心理康复在21世纪以前主要以数量增长为主,进入21世纪后注重质量的提升;2008年后研究主题有了重大调整。
关键词:心理康复  信息计量学  词频分析  关键词
The development of psychological rehabilitation in China (1986-2009): based on the key word frequency analysis    Download Fulltext
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To investigate the development of psychological rehabilitation in China. Method: The journal articles associated with psychological rehabilitation in CNKI were analyzed with bibliometrics and key word frequency. Result: A tatol of 3649 key words in 1426 articles were collected and included. The growth of literature approximately fit the logistic curve, which could be classified into basic stage(1986—1994), growth stage(1995—2002) and stable stage(2003—2009). The distribution of key word frequency approximately fit the Zipf distribution. Based on the cumulative frequency of the words in each year, 7 factors were extracted with the factor analysis principal components varimax rotation (using SPSS), in which the main 3 factors (cumulative squared loading 95.214%) were before the 21st century (factor 1), the first half of 2000s (factor 3), and the last half of 2000s (factor 2), respectively. The hierarchical cluster analysis classified the development into 2 clusters and 4 subclusters: 1986-1995 and 1996-1999 (cluster 1), 2000-2003 and 2004—2009 (cluster 2), while 2008—2009 was distinguished from the last subcluster. Conclusion: The researches of psychological rehabilitation in China developed mainly in quantity before the 21st century, but in quality in the 21st century. Something happened in 2008, which predicted a new development of psychological rehabilitation.
Keywords:psychological rehabilitation  informetrics  word frequency analysis  key word
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