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王 盛,杨 菊,朱 奕,朱晓军,罗 艳,张丽霞,丁晓晶,曹铁留,王 彤.平衡反馈训练仪用于脑损伤偏瘫患者静态平衡测试的信度与效度研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2011,26(11):1035~1038
平衡反馈训练仪用于脑损伤偏瘫患者静态平衡测试的信度与效度研究    点此下载全文
王 盛  杨 菊  朱 奕  朱晓军  罗 艳  张丽霞  丁晓晶  曹铁留  王 彤
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      摘要 目的:探讨Pro-Kine Line平衡反馈仪测试静态平衡的信度和效度,为临床应用提供客观依据。 方法:24名健康人和24例脑损伤偏瘫患者,每位受试者分别在前后两天的同一时间使用Pro-Kine Line平衡反馈仪进行坐位和站立位平衡测试,检测压力中心前后及左右方向的摆动幅度标准差和摆动速度,以及压力中心的摆动长度和摆动面积。 结果:①信度检验:坐位下,除压力中心前后方向摆动幅度标准差外,其他5个参数重测信度均较高(ICC=0.66—0.92);站立位下6个参数的重测信度也均较高(ICC=0.57—0.93)。②区分效度检验:偏瘫组与对照组比较,各个测试指标的差异均有显著性意义(P<0.01)。③标准效度检验:站立位下各测试指标与Berg量表之间呈良好的负相关(-0.41—-0.64)。 结论:Pro-Kine Line平衡反馈训练仪在静态平衡功能的评定中具有较高的信度和效度。
关键词:平衡功能  平衡反馈训练仪  信度  效度
Reliability and validity of static balance measures in hemiplegic patients using balance feedback training equipment    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, 210029
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To study the reliability and validity of Pro-Kine Line balance feedback training equipment in assessing static balance of hemiplegic patients, and to provide evidences for clinical application. Method: Twenty-four healthy adults (control group) and 24 hemiplegic patients with brain damage participated in this study, they were assessed twice with Pro-kine Line balance feedback training equipment within two days both in sitting and standing positions for static balance measurement. The standard deviation of sway extent and sway speed in both anterior-posterior (A/P) and left-right(L/R) directions of center of pressure(COP) as well as sway length and sway area of COP were measured. Result: ①Reliability test: Except standard deviation of sway extent in A/P direction of COP, there were moderate to high correlations (ICC=0.66—0.92) in 5 parameters in sitting position; there were moderate to high correlations in 6 parameters (ICC=0.57—0.93). ②Discriminating validity test: All the parameters obtained from hemiplegic patients were significantly different compared with those of control group (P<0.01). ③Criteria validity test: All parameters obtained from standing positions had moderate negative correlations (-0.41—-0.64) with Berg balance scale scores. Conclusion: The Pro-Kine Line balance feedback training equipment had moderate to high reliability and validity in assessing static balance.
Keywords:balance function  balance feedback training equipment  reliability  validity
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