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步态诱发功能性电刺激对脑卒中足下垂患者的疗效观察    点此下载全文
刘翠华  张盘德  容小川  周惠嫦  陈丽珊  林楚克  李桂恩  武士龙
摘要点击次数: 2485
全文下载次数: 3516
      摘要 目的:观察应用低频脉冲电刺激治疗脑卒中后足下垂患者的疗效。 方法:对30例脑卒中后导致足下垂的患者,在常规药物治疗、康复治疗的基础上,每天采用低频电子脉冲刺激仪对患侧腓总神经、胫前肌进行电刺激治疗,每天2次,其中第一次为训练模式,只进行患侧胫前肌的神经肌肉电刺激治疗20min;第二次在同样NMFS的同时进行步行训练15—20min。每周5—6d,共2周。治疗前先使用神经肌肉定位仪找准敏感位置,然后将阴极至于敏感部位(腓总神经),阳极至于合适部位(胫前肌)。分别在治疗前、治疗1周、2周行下肢步行功能的评定,分别测定不戴和佩戴刺激仪的Step Test评定、10m最大步行速度测试、上下8个台阶时间、生理耗能指数。 结果:治疗2周后与治疗前比较,患者下肢步行功能有明显改善,佩戴刺激仪步行时可即刻明显提高脑卒中后足下垂患者的步速、体位转移能力、上下楼梯能力及降低生理耗能(P<0.05—0.001)。 结论:低频脉冲电刺激能改善脑卒中患者步行功能,佩戴低频电子脉冲刺激仪步行时可即刻明显提高患者的步速、体位转移能力、上下楼梯能力及降低生理耗能,而且无明显不良反应,是一种安全有效的训练仪器。
关键词:功能性电刺激  足下垂  运动功能  步行功能
Effect of gait triggered functional electrical stimulation on foot drop patients after stroke    Download Fulltext
Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine,The First People's Hospital of Foshan City,Guangdong,528000
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To observe the effect of low-frequency electrical pulse stimulation on foot drop patients after stroke. Method: Based on routine medical treatment and rehabilitation therapy, 30 patients with foot drop after stoke received electrical stimulation on common peroneal nerve and tibialis anterior muscle of affected side by using XFT-2001 low-frequency electrical pulse stimulator twice a day. In one day, at the first time only exercise mode was used as neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NEMS) on affected tibialis anterior muscle for 20min; at the second time the same NMES and 15—20min walking training were proceeded, 5—6d per week, 2 weeks in total. Before treatment, XFT-2001P neuromuscular locator was used to find sensitive position, then the negative electrode was placed on sensitive position (common peroneal nerve) and the positive electrode was placed on the suitable position (tibialis anterior muscle). Walking function was evaluated before treatment, 1 week after treatment and 2 weeks after treatment. Result: After 2 weeks treatment, daring walking with low-frequency electrical pulse stimulator walking speed, transfer ability, up and down stairs ability improved immediately and the physiological cost consumption of foot drop patients after stroke reduced(P<0.05—0.001). Conclusion: Low-frequency electrical pulse stimulator could improve walking function of affected low limbs of foot drop patients after stroke. Walking speed, transfer ability, up and down stairs ability improved significantly and physiological consumption reduced significantly during walking with the stimulator. The stimulator had no obviaus side effect and it was considered to be a safe and effective training equipment.
Keywords:functional electrical stimulation  foot drop  motor function  walking function
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