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张勤良,周 旭,倪朝民,孙怡宁,金 艳,王 杰.性别对正常人坐站转移过程髋关节运动学参数及足底压力的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2012,27(4):320~323
性别对正常人坐站转移过程髋关节运动学参数及足底压力的影响    点此下载全文
张勤良  周 旭  倪朝民  孙怡宁  金 艳  王 杰
摘要点击次数: 2195
全文下载次数: 2506
      摘要 目的:探究性别对坐站转移过程的髋关节运动学参数及足底压力的影响。 方法:比较正常男性75名和女性76名在从坐到站过程中不同时期的运动学参数如髋关节角度变化、运动速度、时间等及足底压力变化如压力、压强、接触面积等,分别比较性别作为变量下的各个参数的差异。 结果:①髋关节运动学参数:在坐站转移过程中的躯干前倾角度男性大于女性,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05),躯干前倾速度及在站起过程中的速度男性大于女性,差异有显著性意义(P<0.01)。②足底压力参数:在坐站转移的整个过程,男性的单位面积足底压力明显高于女性,差异有显著性意义(P<0.01);在转移末期女性的足-地间的接触面积增加明显大于男性,差异具有显著性意义(P<0.05)。 结论:在无辅助下坐站转移时男性主要靠增加转移速度、女性依靠增加足-地间的接触面积来完成动作,这在制定相关疾病的个性化康复方案及为不同性别人群提供合理化健身指导性建议时是必须考虑的重要方面。
关键词:坐站转移  康复  足底压力  关节角度
The influences of gender on hip kinematic parameters and plantar pressures in sit to stand transfer process    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation, Affiliated Anhui Provincial Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei,230001
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To explore the influences of gender on the changes of hip kinematic parameters and plantar pressures in sit to stand transfer process. Method: During different periods of sit to stand process the hip kinematic parameters changes such as joint angle, velocity, time, and plantar pressure changes such as stress, pressure, contact area, were compared. In this study, 75 healthy men and 76 healthy women were enrolled. Result: ①During sit to stand transfer the difference of trunk forward angle changes in male and female was significant(P<0.05);the differences of trunk forward velocity and stand up velocity changes in male and female were significant(P<0.01). ②The plantar pressures of men were higher than that of women in the whole transfer process and the difference was significant(P<0.01). The increasing of feet-grownd contact areas at the end of transfer of women were larger than that of men significantly(P<0.05). Conclusion: The hip kinematic and plantar pressure parameters were different between healthy men and women during sit to stand transfer. In no assistance condition, men often performed sit to stand transfer by increasing transfer velocity and women by increasing feet-ground contact area. This is an important aspect to be considered in recommending a rational and indiridualized rehabilitation scheme for a person with different gender or disease.
Keywords:sit to stand transfer  rehabilitation  plantar pressure  joint angle
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