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程少强,江钟立,吴 婷,林 枫,徐晓燕,陈奇琦,杨 露.慢性非流畅性失语患者语言加工特征的脑磁图研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2013,28(6):538~543
慢性非流畅性失语患者语言加工特征的脑磁图研究    点此下载全文
程少强  江钟立  吴 婷  林 枫  徐晓燕  陈奇琦  杨 露
摘要点击次数: 1969
全文下载次数: 2588
      摘要 目的:研究慢性非流畅性失语患者大脑在图片命名过程中神经网络活动特征及与受损语言功能的关系。 方法:非流畅性失语患者及年龄、性别、学历相匹配的健康成年人各5例,分别作为实验组和对照组。使用西方失语症成套测验评估受试者的言语功能,应用脑磁图(MEG)对受试者图片命名过程中大脑语言加工活动进行检测。 结果:比较两组受试者在图片命名过程中相关大脑感兴趣区域(ROIs)在不同时间窗内的激活强度后发现:在图片命名的400—600ms时间窗内非流畅性失语症患者左脑Broca区的激活强度较对照组显著下降(P<0.05),右脑的Broca同源区、Wernicke同源区、顶下小叶激活强度显著高于对照组(P<0.05),右Broca同源区的激活强度与患者的失语商(AQ)正相关(r=0.886, n=5, P=0.045)。 结论:慢性非流畅性失语患者存在右脑神经网络活动广泛上调,这种泛化在言语输出准备时期最为明显,提示与受损后大脑自发低水平的言语代偿有关。
关键词:慢性非流畅性失语  脑磁图  语言加工  图片命名
Magnetoencephalography study on language processing characteristics in chronic non-fluent aphasia patients    Download Fulltext
First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,210029
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To explore brain neural network activities during picture naming and the relations of them to impaired language abilities in patients with chronic non-fluent aphasia. Method: Five patients with chronic non-fluent aphasia and five age-, gender-and education-matched healthy controls were recruited in this study. All behavioral performance was assessed with western aphasia battery (WAB) and brain language processing during picture naming was detected with magnetoencephalography (MEG). Result: The magnitudes of Broca's area activation were significantly lower in patient group than that in control group (P<0.05) during 400—600ms of picture naming by comparison of picture naming-related regions of interest, while the magnitudes of activation in Broca-homologue area, Wernicke-homologue area and inferior parietal lobule of right hemisphere were significantly higher in patient group than those in control group (P<0.05). There were significantly correlations between aphasia quotient(AQ) and brain activation in Broca-homologue area in aphasia patients. Conlusion: Neural network activities of right hemisphere during speech put-out preparation are widely activated in patients with chronic non-fluent aphasia, which is suggestively related to low levels of spontaneous compensatory for language function after brain damage.
Keywords:chronic non-fluent aphasia  magnetoencephalography  language processing  picture naming
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