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李 哲,王国胜,郭钢花.全身振动疗法治疗偏瘫患者踝关节跖屈痉挛的疗效观察[J].中国康复医学杂志,2014,29(5):451~454
全身振动疗法治疗偏瘫患者踝关节跖屈痉挛的疗效观察    点此下载全文
李 哲  王国胜  郭钢花
摘要点击次数: 1723
全文下载次数: 2433
      摘要 目的:研究全身振动疗法对脑卒中患者踝关节跖屈肌痉挛的作用。 方法:将符合标准的45例患者随机分为两组,其中22例患者给予常规康复训练,另外23例患者在常规康复训练的基础上给予全身振动疗法。所有患者训练至少持续8周。两组患者于治疗前、治疗4周、8周后进行肌张力、步态、步行功能、日常生活活动能力的评价。 结果:治疗后4周、8周两组患者肌张力、步态、步行功能、日常生活活动能力均较治疗前明显改善,差异有显著性意义,且随着时间的推移,患者肌张力、步态、步行功能、日常生活活动能力逐渐改善。在治疗后4周、8周全身振动组肌张力、步态、步行功能、日常生活活动能力较常规康复组明显改善,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。 结论:全身振动疗法可降低脑卒中患者踝关节跖屈肌痉挛,改善步态,提高步行功能和日常生活活动能力。
关键词:跖屈痉挛  脑卒中  全身振动
Effects of whole body vibration on ankle plantarflexion spasticity in stroke hemiplegic patients    Download Fulltext
Rehabilitation Center, The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, 450052
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To study the effects of whole body vibration(WBV) on ankle plantarflexion spasticity in stroke hemiplegic patients. Method: Forty-five subjects with stroke hemiplegic were randomized into either control group (n=22, receiving rehabilitation training) or WBV group(n=23,receiving whole body vibration plus rehabilitation training) for 8 weeks. Before treatment,at weeks 4 and 8 post-treatment,clinical measurements of spasticity were assessed with modified Ashworth scale (MAS). Gait performances were evaluated by timed up and go test(TUGT), 10-meter walk test(10MWT) and cadence. Walking function was evaluated by Fugl-Meyer assessment(FMA), and abilities of activities of daily living(ADL) was evaluated by Barthel index(BI). Result: At weeks 4 and 8 post-treatment, the scores of MAS reduced and the gait performances,walking function and abilities of ADL improved in the both groups compared to those before treatment. At weeks 4 and 8 post-treatment, the scores of MAS in WBV group was significantly lower than that in the control group. The gait performances,walking function and abilities of ADL in WBV group were significantly better than those in control group(P<0.05). Conclusion: Whole body vibration training can reduce ankle plantarflexion spasticity , improve gait performances,walking function and abilities of ADL in stroke hemiplegic patients.
Keywords:plantarflexion spasticity  stroke  whole body vibration
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