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李 冰,卞 立,黄 澎.A3机器人对脑卒中患者步行功能的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2014,29(12):1142~1145
A3机器人对脑卒中患者步行功能的影响    点此下载全文
李 冰  卞 立  黄 澎
摘要点击次数: 1865
全文下载次数: 1788
      摘要 目的:研究国产一款步行康复机器人对亚急性期脑卒中患者下肢运动能力和步行能力的临床疗效。 方法:60例脑卒中2—4周的患者分为对照组和干预组,都进行基于神经发育技术和运动再学习的常规康复训练8周,对照组在未进入步行训练时使用下肢肢体智能反馈训练系统进行辅助站立位下肢踏步训练,每次40min,每天两次,每周5d,一旦患者开始站立及步行训练,则停止辅助站立位下肢踏步训练,并保证每日站立步行训练时间不小于80min。干预组在8周时间里一直使用A3下肢康复机器人,根据每个患者的具体情况选择不同参数,进行机器人辅助步行训练,每次30min,每天两次,每周5d。所有患者在研究开始和研究终点进行Fugl-Meyer下肢运动功能评定(FMA-L)、Fugl-Meyer平衡功能评定(FMA-B)、Holden步行功能评定(FAC)。另外在研究终点可以独立步行的患者进行10m步行速度测定。 结果:对照组和干预组治疗前FMA-L、FMA-B、Holden无显著性差异,治疗后FMA-L、FMA-B、Holden均有显著性差异。治疗后干预组能完成10m步行速度测定的患者明显多于对照组,且平均速度也有显著性差异。 结论:常规康复训练结合A3下肢康复机器人早期步行训练能显著提高亚急性期脑卒中患者下肢运动能力和步行能力。
关键词:康复机器人  脑卒中  步行功能
Effects of the A3 robot assisted walk training in rehabilitation of patients with stroke    Download Fulltext
Wuxi Tongren (International)
Rehabilitation Hospital, Jiangsu, Wuxi City, 214151
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of rehabilitation robot for walking ability in patients with subacute stroke. Method: Sixty stroke patients in 2—4 weeks were assigned to a treatment group or a control group with 30 in each. Both groups received similar conventional rehabilitation training based on neurodevelopment treatment and motor relearning program for 8 weeks. The patients in control group were treated with a body-weight-support stepping system for stepping training before walking training, while the patients in treatment group were treated with a walking training robot for 8 weeks (30min, twice daily, 5d/week). Fugl-Meyer assessment of lower extremity motor (FMA-L), Fugl-Meyer assessment of balance (FMA-B), and Holden functional ambulation category (FAC) were used in assessment of both groups before and after treatment. The 10-meter walk test(10MWT) was used in those who could walk independently after treatment. Result: Before treatment there was no significant difference of the two groups' average FMA-L, FMA-B and FAC. After treatment, in treatment group FMA-L, FMA-B and FAC all increased significantly compared with those in control group, and the number of patient who could walk independently was more than the patients in control group and the average walk speed was significant higher than the average speed in control group. Conclusion: The robot assisted walk training can improve lower extremity motor function and walking ability of subacute stroke patients significantly.
Keywords:rehabilitation robot  stroke  walking ability
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