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薛阳阳,孙 熠,覃芹丹,姜丽萍.中文版照护依赖量表在失能老年人中应用的信度与效度分析[J].中国康复医学杂志,2015,(1):26~30
中文版照护依赖量表在失能老年人中应用的信度与效度分析    点此下载全文
薛阳阳  孙 熠  覃芹丹  姜丽萍
摘要点击次数: 2124
全文下载次数: 3091
      摘要 目的:引入中文版照护依赖量表(CDS-R),分析其在失能老年人评定中的信度与效度。 方法:通过正向翻译、综合、回译、研究小组评议和专家评议等步骤对CDS-R进行汉化和文化调试,形成中文版CDS-R。采用目的抽样法,运用Barthel指数与PULSES评定量表作为效标,对江苏、浙江两地区三甲医院、康复医院和养老机构共10家机构652例失能老年人进行评估与分析,其中40例失能老年人在2周后被重新评估,对测定结果分别进行信度和效度分析。 结果:中文版CDS-R有15个条目,各条目与量表总分的相关系数值为0.83—0.93(P<0.01) Cronbach's ɑ系数为0.98,Guttman折半系数为0.91,重测信度为0.73,探索性因子分析得出1个公因子,累计方差贡献率81.91%。CDS-R与Barthel指数、PULSES评定量表的相关性分别为0.91和-0.85,均具有显著性意义。 结论:中文版CDS-R量表具有良好的信度、效度,适合在中国文化背景下评估失能老年人的照护依赖情况。
关键词:照护依赖  老年人  失能  信度  效度
Reliability and validity of the Chinese-version care dependency scale for rehabilitation among old disabled patients    Download Fulltext
Nursing College of Wenzhou Medical University in Wenzhou,325025
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To introduce the Chinese-version of care dependency scale for rehabilitation (CDS-R) and to analyse it's validity and reliability in elderly patients with disabilities. Method:A culturally adaptation for the Chinese version of CDS-R was developed. The translation process included independent translation, synthesization, back translation, a research review and an expert review. A total of 652 elderly patients with disabilities living in top three hospitals,rehabilitation hospitals and long-term care homes in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces were selected by purposive sampling and were asked to fill out the Chinese CDS-R. At the same time the Barthel index and PULSES were measured as criterion. Among them, 40 patients were re-assessed 2 weeks later. Result:The Chinese version of CDS-R has 15 items. The correlation coefficient(r) of each item and total score were 0.83—0.93(P<0.01). The Cronbach's ɑ was 0.98 for the total scale, the Guttman split-half was 0.91 and the test-retest correlation was 0.73. One factor was extracted by principal components analysis, which contributed 81.91%. The correlation coefficient(r)s between CDS-R with Barthel Index and PULSES were separately 0.91 and -0.85, which had reached statistical significance. Conclusion:The Chinese-version of care dependency scale for rehabilitation has good psychometric characteristics and can be used as a valid tool for the measurement of care dependency among Chinese elderly patients with disabilities.
Keywords:care dependency  elderly  disability  reliability  validity
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