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黄成龙,吴 华,陈 刚.关节镜下肩袖修复术后早期及延迟康复治疗介入的疗效比较[J].中国康复医学杂志,2015,(3):255~259
关节镜下肩袖修复术后早期及延迟康复治疗介入的疗效比较    点此下载全文
黄成龙  吴 华  陈 刚
摘要点击次数: 1997
全文下载次数: 2644
      摘要 目的:比较全关节镜下肩袖修复术后早期康复锻炼和延迟康复锻炼对肩关节功能和肩袖愈合情况的影响。 方法:选取采用全关节镜下双排缝合桥技术修补中、大肩袖撕裂的患者共65例,随机将其分为治疗组33例和对照组32例,治疗组患者术后早期即进行肩关节的康复锻炼,对照组患者采用延迟的肩关节康复锻炼方案。2组患者均于术前、术后6个月、12个月采用简明肩关节功能测试(SST)、欧洲肩关节协会的Constant肩关节评分系统、视觉模拟评分(VAS)和关节活动范围进行肩关节功能评定,并在术后12个月行肩关节磁共振检查,观察肩袖愈合情况。结果:术前,2组患者SST评分、Constant评分、VAS评分、肩关节活动范围的组间差异均无显著性意义(P>0.05);术后6个月、术后12个月时2组患者的SST评分、Constant评分、VAS评分、肩关节前屈、外展外旋均显著优于组内术前评分(P<0.05),肩关节外旋差异无显著性意义(P>0.05);组间各时间点比较,差异均无显著性意义(P>0.05);术后12个月时2组患者的肩袖愈合情况比较,差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。 结论:全关节镜下双排缝合桥技术是一种治疗中、大肩袖撕裂安全有效的方法,术后1年内随访结果表明肩关节早期康复锻炼方案与延迟康复锻炼方案对肩关节功能和肩袖愈合影响类似,长期随访结果有待进一步研究。
关键词:关节镜  肩关节  肩袖损伤  康复
The effectiveness of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair using an early versus delayed postoperative rehabilitation protocol    Download Fulltext
Department of Orthopaedics, The Second Hospital of Jiaxing, Zhejiang,314000
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To compare clinical results and tendon healing rates after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair using a postoperative rehabilitation protocol with early passive motion compared with a delayed protocol that limited early passive motion. Method: The study enrolled 65 patients underwent arthroscopic repair of a medium or large full-thickness rotator cuff tears. Postoperatively, patients were randomized either to a rehabilitation program with early passive elevation and rotation or to an immobilization group with delayed training of range of motion. Changes in the simple shoulder test (SST), the Constant score, visual analogue scale (VAS) scores and range of motion were assessed pre-operation,at 6 months and 12 months after surgery, and rotator cuff healing was assessed using MRI at 12 months after surgery. Result: There was no significant difference between groups at baseline. Both groups had similar improvements in preoperative to postoperative SST scores, the Constant score, VAS scores, range of active forward flexion and abduction-external rotation. There was no significant difference in range of active external rotation and rotator cuff healing between groups. Conclusion:Arthroscopic suture-bridge technique is an effective and reliable treatment for patients with medium and large full-thickness rotator cuff tears, post operative patients administered early or delayed rehabilitation protocol both demonstrated very similar outcomes and tendon healing rates within 1 year. The long-term outcomes remain to be determined.
Keywords:arthroscopy  shoulder  rotator cuff injury  rehabilitation
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