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晁 敏,梁 丰,孙 涛,王 尊,王 磊.不同强度抗阻训练对老年癌症生存者癌因性疲乏及生存质量的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2015,(8):777~781
不同强度抗阻训练对老年癌症生存者癌因性疲乏及生存质量的影响    点此下载全文
晁 敏  梁 丰  孙 涛  王 尊  王 磊
摘要点击次数: 1556
全文下载次数: 2305
      摘要 目的:观察不同强度抗阻训练对老年癌症生存者癌因性疲乏(CRF)及生存质量(QOL)的影响 方法:将45例纳入标准的老年癌症生存者随机分为高强度(60%1-RM)抗阻训练组(n=15)、低强度(30%1-RM)抗阻训练组(n=15)及对照组(n=15),所有患者训练前后均进行六大肌群肌肉一次最大重复负荷(1-RM)、脂肪重量(FM)、瘦体重(LBM)测定以及简易疲乏量表(BFI)、中国癌症化疗患者生存质量量表(QLQ-CCC)评估。高强度及低强度抗阻训练组均进行为期12周的抗阻训练,每周3次,每次3节,每节10项,每节间休息3min。 结果:训练前3组的六大肌群1-RM、FM、LBM、BF1、QLQ-CCC评分均无明显差异(P>0.05)。训练后3组的以上五项指标参数的两两比较均有差异(P<0.05),高强度组增加明显高于低强度组。 结论:与低强度抗阻训练相比,高强度抗阻训练可以明显缓解老年癌症患者CRF、提高其QOL。
关键词:抗阻训练  癌因性疲乏  生存质量
Effects of resistance exercise with different intensities on cancer related fatigue and quality of life in older patients with cancer    Download Fulltext
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, 210029
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To observe the effects of resistance exercise with different intensities on cancer related fatigue(CRF) and quality of life QOL in older patients with cancer. Method: Forty-five older patients with cancer were divided into high-intensity(60%1-RM) resistance exercises group (n=15), low-intensity(30%1-RM) resistance exercise group (n=15) and control group (n=15).All patients were evaluated with one-repetition maximum(1-RM) of 6 muscle groups, fat mass(FM), lean body mass(LBM) and assessed with brief fatigue inventory(BFI) and quality of life questionaire-Chinese cancer chemotherapy patients(QLQ-CCC) before and after training. Resistance exercise was lasted for 12 weeks, 3 times every week, 3 sessions every time, 10 sections every session with 3 min interval. Result: There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in all variables in three groups before training. After training, the differences of 1-RM of 6 muscle groups, FM, LBM and scores of BFI and QLQ-CCC among three groups were significantly different (P<0.05), and the related parameters of high-intensity group improved more than those of low-intensity group. Conclusion: Comparing with low-intensity resistance exercise,high-intensity resistance exercise can significantly reduce CRF and improve QOL in older patients with cancer.
Keywords:resistance exercise  cancer related fatigue  quality of life
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