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戴承颖,葛瑞东,于天源,郭京伟,白 硕.练功十八法之颈部六法对缓解伏案后颈肌疲劳的表面肌电研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2016,(3):306~311
练功十八法之颈部六法对缓解伏案后颈肌疲劳的表面肌电研究    点此下载全文
戴承颖  葛瑞东  于天源  郭京伟  白 硕
摘要点击次数: 1568
全文下载次数: 2080
      摘要 目的:通过表面肌电研究颈部功法对颈肌疲劳的缓解效应,并分析其规律和机制。 方法:将60例健康大学生随机分为空白对照组:不做颈部运动、实验A组:趴桌休息、实验B组:做练功十八法中的颈部六法,每组各20例。三组伏案90min之后干预15min。观察双侧胸锁乳突肌(SMC)、头夹肌(MSC)的以下表面肌电(sEMG)指标:均方根值(RMS)、平均功率频率(MPF)及过零率(ZCR)的伏案前初始值、伏案前负重值、伏案中30min值、60min值、90min值、干预后终末值和后负重值。 结果:①不同干预方法下三组间比较:右侧MSC的RMS干预后负重值较伏案前负重值差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。②两侧SMC和两侧MSC在伏案前和伏案90min期间的自身前后比较:伏案30min和60min期间,左侧SMC的RMS、MPF、ZCR自身前后比较差异有显著性意义;伏案60min和90min期间,左侧SMC的RMS、ZCR有显著性意义。 结论:①伏案一定时间后,不做颈部运动和趴桌休息均不能缓解颈肌疲劳,颈部功法可有效缓解颈肌疲劳;②伏案开始到60min时SMC为主动肌,60min以后MSC由拮抗肌转换为主动肌;③肌肉的负重测试是检测其耐力和疲劳性的一个重要客观指标。
关键词:表面肌电  伏案;练功十八法;颈部姿势;颈肌疲劳
A study on mitigating neck muscle fatigue with neck exercise(work procedures) by surface electromyography    Download Fulltext
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,100029
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To mitigate the neck muscle fatigue with work procedures exercise, and to analyze the regularity and mechanism analysis of neck muscle fatigue by surface electromyography (sEMG). Method: Sixty healthy college students were randomly divided into 3 groups: Control group, A group and B group (20 students in each group). After reading with flexed neck on desk 90 min, Control group didn’t take any neck exercise, but walked freely in test room; group A put forehead on arm, and neck flexed on desk 15 min for napping; group B did 6 neck and shoulder procedures of 18 work procedures. Three indicators of sEMG were observed: root mean square(RMS)、mean power frequency(MPF) and zero crossing rate(ZCR), each were recorded in 7 different times:①Before neck flexed posture reading, took sEMG for 2 min as the initial value.②Endurance test on the neck till the subjects felt sore, stopped endurance weight load, took sEMG values for 2 min.③After rested for 5 min started neck flexed posture reading. During 90 min neck flexed posture reading, measured sEMG values for 2 min in every 30 min until 90 min ended.④After the intervention measured sEMG values for 2 min.⑤After doing endurance test until the subjects felt sore, stopped endurance weight load, took sEMG values for 2 min. Result: ①The RMS values of the right MSC were significantly different before and after the experiment among the three groups (P<0.05).②The SMC and MSC values before and during the stationary neck flexion period: the RMS (P<0.05), MPF (P<0.01), ZCR (P<0.01) values of the left SMC had significant difference between 30 min and 60 min time point. The RMS (P<0.05) and ZCR (P<0.01) values of the left SMC had significant difference between 60 min and 90 min time point. Conclusion: ①Nodded off over desk and without doing neck exercise can’t ease the neck muscle fatigue, however, the 6 neck and shoulder procedures of 18 work procedures does help releasing the muscle fatigue effectively. ②From the beginning to 60mins the agonist is SMC, later MSC is converted to the agonist.③ Weight-bearing is an objective index to measure the endurance capacity and fatigue level of muscle.
Keywords:surface electromyography  bend over  work procedures with 18 procedures  neck posture  neck muscle fatigue
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