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老年人行走时躯干冠状面运动学变化对稳定性的影响及其与跌倒的关联性    点此下载全文
林小斌  吴文华  林晓聪  巫海鹏
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(81272161);泉州市科技项目(Z【2013】019 B类;Z【2014】0054 B类;Z [2014 ]0009 B类)
摘要点击次数: 1269
全文下载次数: 1628
      摘要 目的:更好的理解老年人在行走时躯干冠状面的稳定性,及其与跌倒风险的联系。 方法:12例健康老年人和12例健康年轻人在步行机上分别以1.0km/h、2.0km/h、3.0km/h、4.0km/h、5.0km/h 5个步速行走以观测他们的躯干运动。在确定步宽、步幅时间、局部动态稳定性和躯干冠状面运动幅度的同时,测量身体重心 (centre of mass, CoM) 投影到足部放置位置的距离(dCoM)和躯干运动与足跟着地时间的时序差别(dTime)。另外,测量髋最大外展肌力,受试者自述过去一年中跌倒次数。 结果:老年人的髋外展肌力(1.0±0.05)N/kg比年轻人小,躯干局部动态稳定性降低,步宽(0.18±0.08)m增大,步幅(1.20±0.25)s减小,此外,老年人的dCoM(0.11±0.05)m比年轻人大,而dTime(0.42±0.13)s比年轻人短。老年人的髋外展肌力、步宽、步幅时间、dCoM、dTime均和跌倒次数相关联。 结论:老年人在行走时步宽更大,步幅时间更短,而且dCoM也比年轻人大,这可能是为了稳定冠状面的平衡而采取的一种策略。老年人髋外展肌肌力降低,使dTime缩短,损害了冠状面的平衡,从而导致跌倒的发生。
关键词:老年人  行走  躯干运动学  冠状面稳定性  跌倒风险
The influence of frontal plane trunk kinematic deviation during walking on stability and falling risk in elderly people    Download Fulltext
Department of Orthopaedics, Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Quanzhou, Fujian, 362000
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To better understand frontal plane stability during gait in elderly people, and its relation to falling risk. Method: Investigated trunk motion in healthy elderly (n=12), and young healthy adults (n=12), during gait on a treadmill at 1km/h, 2km/h, 3km/h, 4km/h, and 5km/h. Step width, stride time, local dynamic stability and trunk movement amplitude on frontal plane were determined. distance of the projection of mass centre (CoM) on the base of support during stance (dCoM), and the time difference of trunk movement related to heel stride (dTime),maximum hip abduction strength, and subjects reported number of falls during the preceding year were collected also Result: Hip abduction strength in the elderly (1.0±0.05 N/kg) was lower than in the young. Elderly people had decreased trunk local dynamic stability and wider steps width(0.18±0.08m) and shorter stride time(1.20±0.25 s), larger dCoM (0.11±0.05m), shorter, dTime (0.42±0.13m). In elderly, hip abduction strength, step width, stride time, dCoM, and dTime were correlated with the number of falls. Conclusion: Elderly uses wider step, shorter stride and larger dCoM. Presumably it is a strategy to stabilize gait in the frontal plane. In the elderly, due to the weakness of hip abductor, the dTime was shorter than the young, which could impair the balance on frontal plane and lead to falling.
Keywords:elderly  walking  trunk kinematic  frontal plane stability  falling risk
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