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冼思彤,于天源,刘 卉,马 驰,陶艳红,刘暄慈,张林峰,贾文端.掌振法运动轨迹的生物力学分析[J].中国康复医学杂志,2016,(10):1084~1087
掌振法运动轨迹的生物力学分析    点此下载全文
冼思彤  于天源  刘 卉  马 驰  陶艳红  刘暄慈  张林峰  贾文端
摘要点击次数: 1252
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      摘要 目的:通过对振法动作技术进行运动学参数分析,揭示振法的空间运动规律和特征。 方法:2名临床工作20年以上的推拿医生对2例健康志愿者进行振法操作,应用动态捕捉系统采集运动学数据。 结果:1号操作者手指的运动振幅由大到小分别为:食指>中指>无名指>小指>拇指,最大振幅5.74mm,最小振幅0.43mm。2号操作者手指的运动振幅由大到小分别为:食指>中指>小指>无名指>拇指,最大振幅2.59mm,最小振幅0.81mm;1号操作者手指频率由大到小分别为:拇指>小指>中指>无名指>食指;腕部运动频率仅次于拇指和小指。最高频率560次/min,最低频率272次/min。2号操作者手指频率由大到小分别为:中指>小指>拇指>无名指>食指;腕部运动频率仅次于中指。最高频率329次/min,最低频率305次/min。 结论:①振法是一种规律性的小幅度的中频颤动手法。②不同操作者的操作有区别,共性是最大振幅均出现在食指,运动频率较高的均是拇指、中指和小指,腕关节的振幅和频率均较高,提示掌振法是协调统一的振动。
关键词:振法  运动学  生物力学
Biomechanical analysis of vibration manipulation    Download Fulltext
Acupuncture and massage Institute of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing,100029
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To reveal the motion features of vibration method through kinematics analysis. Method: Two clinical massage doctors who have worked for more than 20 years applied vibration on two healthy volunteers. Knematic data was collected by dynamic capture system. Result: Amplitude of No.1 operator’s fingers in descending order is: index finger >middle finger >ring finger >little finger > thumb,with the maximum amplitude 5.74 mm and the minimum amplitude 0.43 mm. Amplitude of No.2 operator’s fingers in descending order is: index finger >middle finger > little finger >ring finger > thumb, with the maximum amplitude 2.59 mm and the minimum amplitude 0.81 mm. The frequency of No.1 operator’s fingers in descending order is: thumb > little finger > middle finger > ring finger > index finger. The wrist movement frequency ranked only second to that of thumb and little finger. The maximum and the minimum frequency are 560 times/min and 272 times/min, respectively. The frequency of No.2 operator’s fingers in descending order is: middle finger>little finger>thumb>ring finger>index finger. The wrist movement frequency ranked only second to the middle finger. The maximum and the minimum frequency are 329 times/min and 305 times/min, respectively. Conclusion: ①The vibration is a kind of regularity manipulation with small amplitude and medium frequency. ②Different operators have different operation. However, all operators have something in common: the largest amplitude in the index finger, the higher frequency in the thumb, middle and little finger, the higher amplitude and frequency for wrist joint. All those suggested us the vibration in a unified and coordinated way.
Keywords:vibration  kinematics  biomechanics
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