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温子星,徐 欣,潘景文,危小焰,伍 勰,梁雷超.预测性姿势调节对人体站立受扰后姿势响应影响的研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2016,(10):1104~1110
预测性姿势调节对人体站立受扰后姿势响应影响的研究    点此下载全文
温子星  徐 欣  潘景文  危小焰  伍 勰  梁雷超
摘要点击次数: 1375
全文下载次数: 1746
      摘要 目的:对比研究有预判和无预判两种状态下,站立姿势受到水平方向外部干扰(站立支持面向后移动)刺激时,人体运动表现及其可能的控制机制。从肌电学及运动学角度探讨预测性姿势调节对人体动态姿势控制能力的影响,更好地了解人体基本姿势控制机能。 方法:使用三维高速摄像系统(100Hz)、无线表面肌电采集系统(4000Hz)采集13例男性青年受试者在有预判和无预判两种状态下,受到站立支持面水平方向后移干扰刺激时,姿势控制过程中的肌电及运动学数据,对比研究下肢三关节及躯干的角度变化、CoM前后方向位移峰值及峰值出现时间、APAs阶段(干扰发生前100ms至发生后50ms)及CPAs阶段(干扰发生后50ms至200ms)内相应肌肉平均积分肌电值。 结果:①有预判状态下,下肢三关节及躯干角度变化小于无预判时,且CoM前后方向位移峰值较小,峰值时刻出现时间较早;②有预判状态下,APAs阶段,腹直肌(P=0.04)、股直肌(P=0.04)、胫骨前肌(P=0.04)平均积分肌电值显著大于无预判情况,CPAs阶段,竖脊肌(P=0.01)、股二头肌(P=0.04)、腓肠肌内侧头(P=0.04)平均积分肌电值显著较小。 结论:预测性姿势调节可通过相应肌群的预激活,使干扰发生后关节角度变化减小,肌肉活动强度下降,并能有效的减小身体摆动幅度,促进姿势稳定性的提高。
关键词:预测性调节  外部干扰  姿势控制  运动学  肌电
Influence of anticipatory postural adjustment on postural response to standing postural perturbations    Download Fulltext
School of Kinesiology, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai,200438
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of anticipatory postural adjustment on postural response to standing postural perturbations. We examined the biomechanics performance when in response to backward platform perturbations in the state of “anticipation” and “no anticipation”. Method: Three-dimensional video graphic and surface electromyography (EMG) data were collected from 13 male young people,who were disturbed by platform backward movement in the state of “anticipation” and “no anticipation”. Horizontal CoM displacement, muscle activations during APAs (from 100ms before perturbation to 50ms after perturbation) ,CPAs(from 50ms after perturbation to 200ms after perturbation) and angular changes of three lower limb joints and trunk were measured. Result: ①In the state of anticipate,the results showed the smaller CoM displacement and earlier time to reach the peak displacement position. Smaller angular changes were also found in ankle, knee and hip,which made the better control for trunk movement. ②The state of anticipation increased the activation magnitudes of tibialis anterior, rectus femoris and rectus abdominis before perturbation, while decreased the activation magnitudes of erector spinae, biceps femoris muscle andmusculus gastrocnemiusafter perturbation. Conclusion: Anticipatory postural adjustment can promote body stability by mobilizing relevant muscles in advance and decreasing joint angular changes.
Keywords:anticipatory postural adjustment  external perturbation  postural control  kinematics  EMG
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